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女生发朋友圈的经典英文短句 不收藏会后悔!

2020-11-22 09:40:01

1.我们都是泛泛之辈,听首歌做个梦,都会流泪。We are all generals, listening to the song as a dream, will cry.

2.所有失去的都会以另外一种方式归来。All lost will return in another way.

3.时间会告诉我们,简单的喜欢,最长远;平凡中的陪伴,最心安;懂你的人,最温暖。Time will tell us, simple like, the longest; the companionship in the ordinary, the most peace of mind; the person who knows you, the warmest.

4.人生山长水远,记得的,不过是赶去见最喜欢的人的那段路。Life is long and the water is long, remember, but it is the way to see the favorite person.

5.我想成为你最喜欢见到的和最不舍得说再见的人。I want to be your favorite hello, and your hardest goodbye.

6.喜欢阳光是因为它很暖,暖到了心底,暖去了不知名的疼痛。Like the sun because it’ s warm, warm heart went to unknown pain.

7.心甘情愿才能理所当然,理所当然才会义无反顾。Willing to take for granted, of course Will relentlessness.

8.找点时间,单独呆一会。Find some time and stay alone for a while.

9.愿岁月静好,你爱的那个人更爱你。May the years be quiet, the one you love will love you more.

10.删去成行的字,最后打了个嗯发个你,没关系,不是所有情绪都要告诉你。 By deleting the words and finally playing a well made you have no relationship is not all emotions have to tell you.

11.即使人生充满了风雨,我们还是要大步向前。Even if life is full of wind and rain, we still have to make strides forward.

12.愿世间所有的分道扬镳,都是为以后更好的重逢做铺。May all the parting ways of the world Pave the way for a better reunion

13.先处理心情,再处理事情。Handle the mood first, then deal with things.

14.在乎才会乱想,不在乎连想都不会想。I don’t care if I don’t think about it.

15.世上没有免费午餐,无论什么,总得付出代价。There is no free lunch in the world, no matter what, there is always a price.



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