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2020-11-22 14:00:01

来加拿大旅游的 James 一家人,来到知名景点——尼亚加拉大瀑布,被眼前景象震慑住的他们,迫不及待想跟瀑布合影留念,却发现没带自拍棒…

Mr. James: Sorry to bother you. Would you mind taking a photo of us? Just press this button.James 先生:不好意思打扰您了,您可以帮我们拍照吗?只要按这里就可以了。Stranger: Sure, no problem! Would you prefer a verticalor horizontal photo?陌生人:没问题!你们想要拍直的还是横的?Mr. James: Horizontal is better. Can you get Niagara Falls in the background?James 先生:横的比较好,你可以把整个尼亚加拉大瀑布拍进去吗?Stranger: That might be a bit difficult, but I’ll try anyway.陌生人:这可能有点难,但我会试试看的。Mr. James: Thank you very much!James 先生:非常感谢您!Stranger: Everybody stand closer together. Can the people standing in the first row squat down? Okay. Three, two, one, say cheese!陌生人:大家彼此站近一点,第一排的人蹲下。好,三、二、一,说 Cheese!James family: Cheese!James 一家人:Cheese!Stranger: Alright! Come and have a look at the picture!陌生人:好啦!来看一下你们觉得照片还行吗?(All of them surrounded the stranger and looked at the photo.)(所有人围着陌生人看着照片。)James family: Wow! That’s amazing!James 一家人:天啊!太神奇了!

Would you mind taking a photo/picture of us? 你可以帮我们拍照吗?

Would you mind…? 是较客气的说法,mind 后面的动词要用动名词 V-ing,特别注意介词如果用 of,所接的受词,也就是询问这句话的人,就会是相片中的主角,如果用 for 则是请对方帮忙拍照,但照片中不一定会出现询问者,可能只是请对方拍某个东西。

Excuse me. Would you mind taking a photo of me with the Oriental Pearl Tower?不好意思,你可以帮我跟东方明珠塔拍张照吗?Would you mind taking a picture of meduring the business trip? I’ve always wanted to see Notre-Dame de Paris.你可以在出差时帮我拍照吗?我一直都想看看巴黎圣母院。

vertical / horizontal (adj.) 垂直的 / 水平的

vertical 的意思是「垂直的」,horizontal 则是「水平的」,用在拍照上,就是问想要拍直的或拍横的啰!vertically 和 horizontally 是副词形,请别人拍照时也可以先问 Could you take a vertical/horizontal photo of me? (可以帮我拍直/横的吗?)。

He climbed the vertical cliffs without ropes.他徒手攀爬垂直的峭壁。The teacher asked the students to draw a horizontal line with their rulers.老师要求学生用尺画出一条水平线。

get sth. in the background (phr.) 让…在照片中

get sth. in the background 就是「让…在照片中」,请对方拍照时,如果拍照时想要有什么东西出现在照片中,就可以用这个词组!

Can you get Stonehenge in the background of this photo?你可以让整个巨石阵入镜吗?

Mrs. James: This angle makes me look like a giant!James 女士:这个角度让我看起来超高!Grandma: Is it magic? I don’t look a day over 40!奶奶:这是魔法吗?我看起来不到 40 岁!Mr. James: Could you please take another photo of me? I want to change my WeChat profile picture.James 先生:您可以再帮我拍一张吗?我想要换微信的大头照。Stranger: My pleasure! How would you like your photo?陌生人:乐意之至!你想怎么拍?Mr. James: I’d like the photo to start above my thighs. (James struck an old-fashionpose.)James 先生:我想要照片拍到大腿以上就好。(James 摆了一个老气的姿势。)Stranger: Umm…sir, maybe we can try different poses. How about raising your head and gazing into the horizon? Just pretend that you are contemplating something deep.陌生人:嗯…先生,或许我们可以试试别的姿势?试着抬起头凝视远方,就假装你在深思。(Mr. James followed the instructions.)(James 先生遵循他的指示。)Stranger: Ready? Three, two, one. Come and have a look at it!陌生人:好啰?三、二、一。来看看吧!James’s daughter: That’s a nice shot! It looks like a movie still!James 的女儿:这张拍得真好,看起来就像电影剧照!Stranger: I’m flattered!That’s because all of you are photogenic!陌生人:过奖了!那是因为你们都很上相啦!

angle (n.) 角度;视角

angle 在对话中指「(拍照的) 角度;视角」,也可以指 90 度角、60 度角的「角度」。

Could you take one more photo from this angle?你可以从这个角度再拍一张照吗?

not look a day over + 岁数 看起来不超过…岁


A: This is Linda’s granddaughter.B: What? Linda doesn’t look a day over 40!A:这位是 Linda 的孙女。B:什么?Linda 看起来根本不到 40 岁耶!

strike a(n) …. pose (phr.) 摆姿势

strike a pose 是在拍照时「摆姿势」,中间可以加上形容词形容某种姿势。补充 gesture 这个字则较常用来形容「手势」。

The model followed the photographer’s instructions and struck an elegant pose.模特儿照着摄影师的指示,摆了个优雅的姿势。

I’m flattered! 过奖了!

flatter 为动词,有「奉承;讨好」之意,be/feel flattered 的意思是因为被夸奖或奉承而感到开心、荣幸。

A: You are a rising star in show business.B: I’m flattered!A:你是演艺圈的明日之星!B:您过奖了!

photogenic (adj.) 上相的

如果要形容某人「上相的;上镜的」,就可以用 photogenic 来形容。

Your daughter is very photogenic! She is a born model!你的女儿非常上相!她是天生的模特儿!



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