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2020-11-23 20:05:02




防御工程图 defence works

遗言 dying speak

落地扇 floor fan

台扇 table fan

平等互利 equality and mutual benefit

独生子 only son

欣喜若狂 beside oneself with joy

气急败坏 beside oneself with anger

魂飞魄散 beside oneself with fear

肝肠寸断 beside oneself with grief

恨之入骨 beside oneself with hatred


代沟 generation gap

意识流 stream of consciousness

读出隐含之意 read between the lines

全副武装 arm to teeth

护肤品 skin food

BB机 calling machine

核心家庭(只有父母和孩子) a nuclear family

大家族 an extended family

集中营 concentration camp

死得其所 die a glorious death

高血压 high blood pressure

予以考虑 take...into account

与······保持一致 in accordance with

以······为代价 at the cost of

以······为目的 for the purpose of

支持 in favor of

东方美人 dark-eyed beauties

多年以来 over the years

书皮 a book jacket

三角债 debt-in-chain

常识 general knowledge

不久以后 before long

很久之前 long before

倒数第二步 next-to-last step

历史进程 the course of history

随手 behind sb./after sb.

眨眼 open and close one’s eyes quickly

吓一跳 give sb. quite a start

伸懒腰 stretch oneself

追球/运球 run after the ball

与某人不共戴天 never bear the same sky with sb.

忘恩负义/恩将仇报 bite the hand that feeds you

面色铁青 one’s face is black

把某人打发走 send sb. Away

冒险一搏 take one’s chances

麻花 fried twisted dough

麻花辫 a pig-tail

马尾辫 a pony-tail

插门 bar the door

铁窗生涯 behind the bars

检查 check out

应门 answer the door





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