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2020-11-29 19:00:01

Fed up withthe grindingly long work hours imposed on them by China’s internet giants, this collective has recently built something else—a movement demanding more humane office hours and calling out the worst corporate offenders.


(be) fed up with: 受够了,厌烦,饱受

grindingly: 虐待地,苛刻地 (形容词grinding:磨的,磨擦的,压迫,折磨; 如grinding poverty 赤贫,grinding difficulty 困难重重)

impose on: 把…加于; 强加于

humane: (尤指对待受苦者)善良的,仁慈的,人道的 (a caring and humane society 充满关怀和人道的社会)

Is it humane to kill animals for food? 宰杀牲畜来吃合乎人道吗?

call out: 唤起;召集;叫喊;调来 (call-out fees/charges/service 出工费/收费/服务)

Their beef is the “996” regime, which refers to a work schedule of 9am to 9pm, six days a week, often without extra pay.


beef: 除了有牛肉的意思外,还可以指抱怨、牢骚(complaint),或力气、力量(force),搭配beef sth up 加强,充实 (beef up its production 扩大生产)

regime: 政府;政权;政体;管理体制;体系

To the disappointment of his many fans, Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, a tech giant, spoke dismissively of the protesters, saying that “being able to work 996 is a huge blessing.” Richard Liu, the chief executive of jd.com, wrote: “Slackersare not my brothers!”

令许多粉丝失望的是,科技巨头阿里巴巴的创始人马云(Jack Ma)对抗议者不屑一顾,他说:“能工作996是一大幸事。”京东首席执行官刘强东写道:“偷懒的人不是我的兄弟!”

dismissively: 轻蔑地,不屑一顾地 (形容词dismissive:拒绝的;轻蔑的,鄙视的。如a dismissive attitude轻蔑的态度)

protester: 抗议者;反对者;提出异议者;断言者

slacker: 逃避工作的人,偷懒的人;懒鬼

oblige sb to do sth 强迫某人做某事

be/feel obliged to do sth 感觉不得不做某事

give way to sth 被…取代,让位于(也可说yield to sth 可替换be replaced by sth)

let alone sth 更不用说

up-end traditional concepts of sth 颠覆…的传统概念

clock in 上班打卡

nudge sb to do sth 推动、劝说某人做某事(可替换persuade sb to do sth)

as sb puts it 正如某人所言

a vain effort 徒劳

loopholes and exemptions 漏洞与意外

stipulate (法律)规定

disentangle A from B 分清A与B

a fine line between A and B A与B之间只有一线之差

形容词fine可表示“难以看出的,难以描述的”(difficult to see or describe),比如fine distinctions 细微的差别。

repercussions≈consequences (不好的)影响;本义是光的反射,声的回响。

take heed (of sth) 注意,留心(可替换pay attention to sth)

established companies 老牌公司(外刊超高频)

be only one part of the equation 只是...的一部分

as machines take on humdrum tasks 随着机器承担单调乏味的工作

scoff at sth 嘲笑

usher in 开创,迎来;常见的搭配是usher in an era of sth 开创一个…的新时代


1. 随着机器承担单调乏味的工作:

as machines take on humdrum tasks (科技类话题)

2. …重担必不可少地落在某人身上:

The burden of sth falls inevitably on sb.

3. 不论,不考虑:irrespective of sth≈regardless of sth



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