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《射雕》发行获赞《神雕》紧随其后 英文读者为金庸的武侠世界买单

2020-11-30 13:05:01

浙江24小时-钱江晚报记者 屠悦 庄小蕾

今年2月22日,英国麦克莱霍斯出版社(Maclehose Press)正式向全球发行金庸的经典武侠小说《射雕英雄传》(Legends of the Condor Heroes)的英译本,这也是金庸的小说第一次被正式翻成英文出版。

这本英文译本由住在台湾研究汉语的英国学者郝玉青(Anna Holmwood)翻译。她的爸爸是英国人,母亲是瑞典,丈夫来自台湾,她自己则是牛津大学研究汉语的学者。



而书中的诸多翻译也挺有意思,例如黄蓉翻成“黄莲花(Lotus Huang)”、陈玄风翻成“飓风陈(Hurricane Chen)”、“九阴白骨爪”翻成“九阴骷髅爪(Nine Yin Skeleton Claw)。




他表示,小说分为四卷,此次发行的是第一卷《英雄诞生》(A Hero Born),第二卷已经翻译完毕,按计划将于明年发行,“我们期望,在2021年前,每年发行一卷。”







而在邮件采访中,保罗·彭格斯跟记者透露了《神雕侠侣》的译名暂定为Return of the Condor Heroes。




翻译《射雕英雄传》是个非常复杂且花精力的工程,第一卷的翻译,她花了近六年的时间。第二卷的翻译,她邀请了另一位译者Gigi Chang一起工作。目前,郝玉青正在翻译第三卷,第四卷则将由Gigi Chang完成。



对此,郝玉青曾对媒体说,她的翻译不追求“字字对应”的准确,而是更注重通顺易懂,希望达到“就像金庸在和读者用英文讲话”的效果。比如,“九阴白骨爪”,被译作“Nine Yin Skeleton Claw”,黄药师是“The Eastern Heretic Apothecary Huang”。

而许多人名的翻译直接使用了汉语拼音,如郭靖 Guo Jing、杨康 Yang Kang,有些则采用意译,如陈玄风Hurricane Chen(“陈飓风”)、梅超风Cyclone Mei(“梅旋风”)。但黄蓉被译为“Lotus Huang”,这引起了不少中国读者的兴趣:“黄莲花”听起来觉得“乡土气息浓厚”,甚至还有点喜感。

对此,郝玉青在书中做了一个长注释来解释用意:“这个角色在许多金庸迷那里是以她的拼音名字‘Huang Rong’而被熟知的。但我把她的名字译作‘Lotus’。因为在故事的这个阶段,我们读者正置身于一个郭靖所不知道的秘密之中。”

至于书名,《射雕英雄传》被译为《Legends of the Condor Heroes》,其中“雕”的译法用的是“Condor(秃鹫)”而非通常的用法“Eagle(鹰)”。对此,郝玉青在书中附录解释,主要是出于对动物灵性的理解和对约定俗成的译名的沿用。保罗·彭格斯在接受记者专访时也指出,Condor Heroes显然比Eagle Heroes更朗朗上口。


Many have considered Jin Yong’s world too foreign, too Chinese for an English-speaking readership. Impossible to translate. And yet this story of love, loyalty, honor and the power of the individual against successive corrupt governments and invading forces is as universal as any story could hope to be. The greatest loss that can occur in translation can only come from not translating it at all.




Q:听说《Legends of the condor heroes》一共有四卷,第一卷已经于今年2月出版,后面三卷将于何时面世?











Q:这本书的中文名为《射雕英雄传》,英文版的书名翻译为《Legends of the condor heroes》。为什么用意为“秃鹫”的condor,而不是鹰的直接译名eagle呢?






Interview with Paul Engles, Editor from Maclehose Press

Q:It is heard that there are four volumes in total for Legends of the condor heroes. The first volume has been published this year. When do you plan to publish the other three?

A:We hope to publish one volume a year until 2021. The second volume has been translated already. The third is also underway. After that, we will start publishing the volumes of Return of the Condor Heroes.

Q:How do you expect the interest of the English audience to the Chinese hero novels? How do you think they will receive the novels? To what consideration did the publisher decide to release the English version of Legends of the condor heroes?

A:For a long time, we weren’t sure what the response would be. And then, at the end of 2017, there was a lot of coverage in the Chinese press. This led to coverage in the British and American press, and customers started ordering the book, months before it was available. And when the first reviews came in, just after publication, they were all excellent. The critical response was everything that we had hoped it would be. And the first volume is selling well, and continues to sell.

Q:Have you heard of Mr. Jin Yong and his novels before editing this book? How do you come to Mr Jin Yong and his novels?

A:I must admit that I had not heard of them. It was only when Peter Buckman, who had agreed with Jin Yong to sell the rights to his books in English, came to us to see if we would like to publish them that I learned of him. We were very surprised and exciting that the rights to such an important series were available.

Q:From you perspective, which part of the book has impressed you the most? Which character in the novel has impressed you the most?

A:My favorite element of the book is the way in which you learn about Chinese history and culture through reading it. There are so many locations, and they are all described with great economy and skill. You really feel as if you are there – on the Grand Canal, on the Mongolian steppe, in the city of Kalgan. And it is an extremely interesting historical period, with a huge war going on between three forces – the Jin, the Song and the Mongols. I like the way Jin Yong mixes historical characters with fictional ones. I think my favourite characher is Lotus Huang/Huang Rong. She’s so cheeky! But I like Guo Jing as well. He reminds me a little bit of Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars films. I like the fact that he is not terribly bright, but always tries his best and is always honourable. There are so many great characters. And there seems to be a fine line between good and evil in this series, which makes it feel very modern.

Q:The English name of the first books is Legends of the condor heroes. Why do you choose condor, instead of eagles for the title? What kind of communication or thinking do you have with the translator when making the decision?

A: There is a note in the back of the book about this from the translator. We felt that the word “Condor” would sound more familiar to readers who already knew something about Jin Yong. And also, I think that it just sounds much better that “Eagle Heroes”.

Q:The cover picture for the first book is the wing of a condor; the one for the second is a sword. Is there any consideration in these choices?

A:With the cover of the first book, we wanted to have an image that reinforced the title, so a condor’s wing is a natural choice. The sword is a dagger – it is to represent that daggers that are given to the fathers of Yan Kang and Guo Jing, because they are mentioned often in volume 2.

Q:The Chinese hero culture is very different from the western one. Therefore, do you think the western readers will buy the “hero” images in Mr. Jin Yong’s novels, considering the huge differences?

A:As long as western readers buy the book, I’m happy! But seriously, I don’t really understand the differences between the two hero cultures? I think that Guo Jing could be a hero in a classic novel written in English. And the martial courtesy that exists in the Wulin is very similar to western ideas of chivalry. I think western readers are really enjoying it, without any problems at all. Apart from the fact that it takes time to translate each volume!



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