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2020-11-30 23:35:01

An Interview with Jay Chou

Interviewer: Jay Chou is a pop singer in China, as we all know, his Chinese name is Zhou Jielun.He is only 31 years old and already has 13 famous albums. Some of us love him and his music very much. Today we will have a small interview with him about his development. Now let’s welcome him. (applaud)Good morning!How are you gonging!

Jay Chou: Very well! Thank you!

Interviewer: How do you deal with the relation between your honesty and the era of show?

Jay Chou: I should owe the success of my first album to the proper time, the opportunity. If I have debut later, I should have become others’ figure and shouldn’t have been a surperstar; if earlyer, the public still can’t accept my music. So I and my music meet with the good time.

Interviewer: Now you have been famous for ten years, do you have sometime when you doubt yourself?

Jay Chou: I am very confident about my music, but when it comes to the movies and TV play I attended I can’t satisfy.

Interviewer: Your music becomes popular smoothly, and what’s your plan about your movie?

Jay Chou: At the very beginning, I have no plan.<>is just a coincidence. <>is my own duty and

should be finished before 28-years old. Because in my opinion a success will not be called success once you are over 30-year old. Since then, I made plan for my movie. I want to do something that others can’t commit.

Interviewer: You are so young and you already have so much sense of urgency. Why?

Jay Chou: Naturally. In the show industry the time runs faster, I should pay more. Nobody can be superstar forever, the so-caller myth doesn’t exit and I will be old finally.

Interviewer:Bono once said” To be superstar is a disease and you have to pay much time to recover from it”. How do you think about it?

Jay Chou: I’m different from him. If you don’t think you are superstar, you need not to recover from it. When I walk off the stage, I’m Jay, an ordinary person as everyone.

Interviewer: If you meet you 30 years later, what will you tell him?

Jay Chou: to rest. It’s the rest time and enjoy your own life.

Interviewer: What will you say to Jay on today?

Jay Chou: To insist on, to sing until at least 40 years old.


How interesting! I have to say that you are a modest and ambitious young pop singer. Thank you for your sincere answer!

Jay Chou: My pleasure!

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