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双语阅读|My first day at school 你上学的第一天还记得么?

2020-12-02 00:25:01

My mother accompanied me to school on the first day. Other parents accompanied their children as well. We all waited in front of the school office.


Soon a teacher came and led us to some classrooms. There we were put into four separate classes. This was when some children began to cry as the parents were not allowed into the classrooms. I did not cry because I had been to kindergarten before. Actually my mother went home soon after she knew I would be all right.


It was an enjoyable time for me as I got to know my new classmates. The teacher was very busy writing down our particulars so we had plenty of time to ourselves.


particular adj. 专指的,特指的(与泛指相对); 不寻常的; 格外的; 特别的; 讲究; 挑剔; n. (正式记下的) 细节,详情; 详细资料; 详细介绍材料;

Meantime some children continued to sob while their parents looked in anxiously through the windows.


Soon recess came. Some of us headed for the tuck-shop while the rest headed for their parents. I bought a drink with the money my mother gave me. Getting to know my new friends had made me thirsty.


recess n. 休会期; 休庭; 壁龛; 壁橱; 凹室; v. 休会; 暂停; 宣布暂停; 把…放进壁龛(或壁橱); 将…嵌入墙壁;

After recess, we went back to our classroom and my new friends and I managed to coax two boys to stop crying. In fact, soon we were laughing and playing together. Once in a while, the teacher had to tell us to keep quiet as we were making too much noise.


coax 英 v. 哄劝; 劝诱;哄着人们说服某人轻轻地做某事

Still, some parents looked in anxiously through the windows.


Finally, the bell rang for us to go home. Some of us were very relieved to be reunited with our parents. I too was glad to see my mother waiting for me at the school gate. I had made many friends. It had been a wonderful first day at school.





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