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「场景英文」初次见面 这6种英语问候语很实用!

2020-12-02 01:45:01

初次见面,如何避免尴尬,轻松进入聊天话题是关键,AAE(美国英文学院,American Academy of English,简称AAE)为您分享如下沟通技巧:



Mr. Bell: Hi! How are you, Miss Li ?

Miss Li : Quite well, Mr. Bell. And you?

Mr. Bell: Great, thanks.

Miss Li : Well, it’s nice to see you again. You do look well.

Mr. Bell: Thank you. And how’s business ?

Miss Li : Pretty good. In fact, it’s the best year we’ve had for a long time.

Mr. Bell: Oh, very good. I’m glad to hear that.

Miss Li : Have you met Mr. Liu, our managing director?

Mr. Bell: No, I haven’t. I’d be glad to meet him.

(Miss Li found Mr. Liu)

Miss Li : Mr. Liu, I’d like to introduce you to Mr. Roger Bell.

Mr. Liu: Oh, yes.

(Three people gathering)

Miss Li : This is Mr. Roger Bell. He works for Apple.

Mr. Liu : How do you do, Mr. Bell?

Mr. Bell: How do you do, Mr. Liu?


How are you? 你好吗?(向认识的人打招呼)

How do you do? 你好吗?(两人初次见面打招呼)

It’s nice to see you again. 很高兴再次见到你。

You do look well. 你的气色很好。

Have you met…? 你认识…吗?

This is...这位是......

I’d like you to meet... 我向你介绍......

I’d like to introduce you to...我想向你介绍......


Amy 在学校附近的餐馆吃饭,恰巧人多没有位置,与一位先生搭座,自然进入聊天后发现原来是伯克利加州大学(University of California,Berkeley,简称 UC Berkeley)的校友学长。

Amy: Excuse me, is this seat taken?

John: No, please sit down.

Amy: Thank you. This restaurant is crowded.

John: Yes, but the food here is delicious.

Amy: I think so, especially the Dongpo pork.

John: I love that, too. (Very excited) I’m John Geller. Could I ask your name?

Amy: My name is Amy Kauffman.

John: Glad to meet you.

Amy: Glad to meet you, too.

John: Do you come from California?

Amy: Yes, I’m from San Francisco.

John: Where do you study?

Amy: I study at UC Berkeley. What do you do, Mr. Geller?

John: Please call me John. In fact, I graduated from UC Berkeley five years ago. And I work in the laboratory now.

Amy: Wow, amazing. Do you know Ph.D. Bright?

John: Of course. He’s a team leader of Biological Research Projects.

Amy: Yes! He is my tutor. So nice to meet you!

John: I have a great time too. But I’m late for work. See you!

Amy: See you!


May /Could I ask your name? 请问尊姓大名?(较为礼貌的表达)

Nice /Glad to meet you. =It’s nice to meet you. =I’m happy /glad to meet you. 很高兴遇到你。

What are you? / What do you do? 询问他人的职业

Please call me… 请叫我…(拉近距离)

Do you know…? 你认识…吗?

I’m late for work.我上班要迟到了。



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