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2020-12-03 18:30:01



Students can:

1. Know the simple forms of address, greetings and farewells in English

2. Rrespond appropriately to ordinary compliments, requests, etc.

3. Know the main international sports and entertainments

4. Know the names of the most popular foods and drinks in English speaking countries

5. Know the capitals and flags of the major English speaking countries

6. Know the important symbols of major countries, such as the UK’s Big Ben

7. Know the main festivals of English speaking countries


Students can:

1. Understand common body language, gestures and facial expressions used in English communication

2. Use different forms of address, greetings and farewells appropriately in English

3. Know the difference between male and female names and common affectionate forms of address

4. Know the names commonly used by family members to refer to each other in English speaking countries

5. Understand dress codes for formal and informal occasions in English speaking countries

6. Understand eating and drinking customs in English speaking countries

7. Respond appropriately to other people’s compliments, requests, etc.

8. Use appropriate forms to give compliments, make requests, etc.

9. Begin to understand the geographical position, climate, history and so on of English speaking countries

10. Understand the cultural significance of common plants and animals in English speaking countries

11. Understand that natural phenomena possibly have cultural significance in the English language

12. Understand the traditional leisure and sporting activities of English speaking countries

13. Understand the main holidays and festivals of English speaking countries and how they are celebrated

14. Deepen their knowledge of Chinese culture





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