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英文阅读76——Long March

2020-12-05 00:50:02

China launches spacecraft via largest carrier rocket: CCTV



China on Tuesday successfully launched its largest carrier rocket, which was carrying a new-generation spacecraft, state broadcaster CCTV said. The Long March-5B carrier rocket took off at 1800 local time (1000 GMT) at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in the southern island province of Hainan. It was the first mission carried out by the Long March-5B, CCTV reported, citing the China Manned Space Engineering Office.

中央电视台报道,周二,中国成功发射其最大的运载火箭,该运载火箭搭载了新一代载人飞船实验船。长征-5B 运载火箭于当地时间1800(格林威治标准时间 1000)在海南文昌航天发射中心发射升空。中央电视台援引中国载人航天工程办公室的消息称,这是长征-5B的首次执飞任务。

The Long March-5B - with a length of about 53.7 meters and takeoff mass of about 849 tonnes - was also carrying an inflatable cargo return module. China said in March it was aiming to launch an experimental spacecraft without a crew as part of a broader spaceflight programme to shuttle astronauts to its future space station and for future manned space exploration. The launch was earlier scheduled for mid- to late April.

这个长约 53.7 米,起飞质量约 849 吨的长征-5B 运载火箭还搭载一个充气货物返回舱。今年 3 月,中方表示计划发射一艘无人驾驶的实验性宇宙飞船,作为更广泛的太空飞行计划的一部分,其目的是将宇航员送往未来的空间站,并进行未来载人太空探索。发射计划提前定至四月中下旬

China aims to complete a multi-module, inhabited space station around 2022. It became the third country to put a man in space with its own rocket in 2003 after the former Soviet Union and the United States. China has since been racing to catch up with Russia and the United States to become a major space power by 2030.

中国计划在 2022 年前后建成一个多舱的载人空间站。 2003 年,中国成为继前苏联和美国之后第三个用自主研发的火箭将人送入太空的国家。自那以后,中国一直在努力追赶俄罗斯和美国,力争在 2030年成为主要的太空强国



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