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英文阅读52——Whale found motionless on shore

2020-12-05 01:35:01

Battersea Bridge whale found motionless on shore巴特西桥,鲸在岸上一动不动

(The mammal was found motionless on the river banks under Battersea Bridge该哺乳动物在巴特西桥下的河岸被发现一动不动)

A dead whale has washed up in the River Thames for the second time in two months.死鲸在两个月内第二次在泰晤士河上被冲走。

The mammal, believed to be a minke whale which can grow up to 33ft (10m) long, was found motionless on the river banks under Battersea Bridge late on Friday. 该哺乳动物被认为是一种小鲸鱼,可以长到33英尺(10m)长,在周五晚间在巴特西桥下的河岸被发现一动不动。

The Port of London Authority (PLA) said it will "endeavour to get the whale recovered safely" over the weekend. 伦敦港务局(PLA)表示,它将在周末“努力使鲸鱼得到安全回收”。

A humpback whale was found dead in Greenhithe in October.十月份,一头座头鲸在格林海斯被发现死亡。

(Clio Georgiadis said her 11-year-old son spotted the whale on Friday evening克里奥·乔治亚迪斯(Clio Georgiadis)说,她11岁的儿子在星期五晚上发现了鲸鱼)

Clio Georgiadis said she was left "very emotional " after finding the whale while walking her dog at about 21.30 GMT. 克里奥·格鲁吉亚迪斯(Clio Georgiadis)说,格林尼治标准时间21:30 walking狗时发现鲸鱼后,她“非常激动”。

"We tried to see if there was any life in it but there was no breath coming out of it," Ms Georgiadis said. 乔治亚迪斯女士说:“我们试图看看其中是否有生命,但是没有任何呼吸。”

"It was very sad to see." “这是非常可悲的。”

(A post-mortem examination will be held on the whale to establish a cause of death将对鲸进行死后检查以确定死因)

The PLA believe the mammal is a minke whale, which can weigh up to 10 tonnes. PLA组织认为,这个哺乳动物是小须鲸,重达10吨。

They are occasionally spotted in British waters, preferring cooler regions to tropical areas, and can also be found in the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian and Arctic Oceans. 它们偶尔会在英国水域发现,比热带地区更喜欢凉爽的地区,也可以在大西洋,太平洋,印度和北冰洋发现。

The PLA confirmed that it had received reports of a large mammal in the River Thames on Friday afternoon. PLA证实,星期五下午已收到泰晤士河上大型哺乳动物的报告。

"The first clear indication we knew it was a whale was sadly when it washed up dead," PLA spokesman Martin Garside said.PLA发言人马丁·加赛德说:“当它的死尸被冲上岸时,我们知道这是一条鲸鱼,我们的第一个感受是伤心,。”

Two marine experts from the British Divers Marine Life Rescue were dispatched to assist the PLA removing the whale from the water. 派遣了来自英国潜水员海洋生物救援队的两名海洋专家来协助解放军从水中移动鲸鱼。

The whale will be sent to the ZSL London Zoo for a post-mortem examination. 鲸鱼将被送到ZSL伦敦动物园进行尸检。



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