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2020-12-05 15:25:01




Describe a practical skill you learned.

You should say:

What it was

When you learned it

Why you learned it

And how you felt about it.


My mom once taught me how to cook crispy chicken. I’ve never done that before, my mom just taught me how to cook the crispy chicken Florentine melt step by step, like, from the very beginning, to show me how to turn on the stove and prepare the ingredients.

It’s not so hard actually, we just followed the steps from the recipe. We season the chicken with salt and pepper and followed the three-steps: first, dredge in flour on both sides. Then dunk both sides in the egg of mixture, and finally, coat both sides in the crispy crumbs. Then we heated about 4 tablespoons of butter and 4 tablespoons of olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Place the chicken in the skillet and brown it on the first side for about 3 to 4 mins. We moved them around to different positions here and there to ensure even browning, and to ensure they don’t burn. To serve, we just pile the spinach and tomato mixture on top of the chicken. It was a different experience, and it’s gonna benefit me later when I go abroad, I’m sure there will be lots of cooking to do.


1. ingredients n. 材料,佐料,主要成分

2. season n. 季节 v. 调味,加调料

3. dredge v. 捞取,撒面粉

4. skillet n. 长柄平底煎锅

5. spinach n. 菠菜




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