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英文外刊 年近古稀 不泡枸杞:老年人的崛起元年

2020-12-10 01:10:01

The decade of the“young old” begins


The year 2020 will mark the beginning of the decade of the yold, or the“young old”as the Japanese call people aged between 65 and 75. The height of the baby boom, the period of high fertility in rich countries after the second world war, was 1955-60. One might therefore expect peak retirement for baby -boomers in the coming years- except that they are not retiring. By continuing to work, and staying socially engaged, the boomers, in their new guise as the young old, will change the world.

2020年标志着属于“老青年”的十年开始了。这是个日本说法,指年龄在65-75岁的人群。 二战后,富裕国家的生育率居高不下, “婴儿潮”的高峰就出现在1955-1960年。所以接下来的几年时间,或许将迎来“婴儿潮”一代的退休高峰_除非他们不退休。通过继续工作、和社会保持紧密联系,他们将以“老青年”这个新身份改变世界。

Health worsens with age, but the yold are resisting the decline better than most: of the 3.7 years of increased life expectancy in rich countries between 2000 and 2015, says the WHO, 3.2 years were enjoyed in good health.

年龄越大,健康状况越差,但“老青年”却逆势而,上,比(其他年龄段的)大多数人都强:世界卫生组织表示,2000 年到2015年,富裕国家人的寿命预期延长了3.7 年,在其中的3.2年当中,老年人的健康状况都不错。

The yold are also better off: between 1989 and 2013, the median wealth of families headed by someone over 62 in America rose by 40% to $210,000, while the wealth of all other age groups declined. The over- -60s are vital to the tourism industry because they spend much more, when taking a foreign holiday, than younger adults.

"老青年”的经济实力也更强:在1989-2013年间的美国,财富主要来源是某位年龄在62岁以上成员的这类家庭,它们财富的中位数上升了40%,达到了21万美元。而其他年龄段的人,财富(的中位数) 则有所下降。60岁以上的这群人对于旅游业来说至关重要,因为他们在国外度假时的花费比年轻人更多。

The yold are busier, too. In 2016 just over a fifth of people aged 65-69 were in work in rich countries, a figure that is rising fast. Many bosses and HR departments think productivity falls with age, but a German study found that people who remain at work after the normal retirement age manage to slow the cognitive decline associated with old age and have a cognitive capacity of someone a year and a half younger.


In short, the yold are not just any group of old people. They are challenging the traditional expectations of the retired as people who wear slippers and look after the grandchildren.


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  1. 2020-11-04 02:26小和尚讲大道[吉林省网友]IP:3409541979


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