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2020-12-13 20:35:01

Slow Down

Hey, Take It Easy…


It’s never too late to slow down


Adele Angle


I heard the noise first – the sound of screeching tyres. A car, obviously out of control, was racing straight towards me and my four-year-old son as we stood on the footpath waiting to cross a busy street. There was no time to do anything; it all happened in a millisecond.


The vision of that big black car hitting the footpath a few meters from us will never be erased from my memory. I don’t know how close the car came to us, because I turned away at the last second, but it was close. People stopped their cars and asked if we were OK.


“It didn’t hit us,” I remember saying, as though that weren’t obvious. Then I bent down and hugged my son.


“Mum, that car nearly boomed us,” Scott said brightly, still clutching the cardboard cat he’d made at preschool that morning. He has no idea what a ton of metal going 80 kilometers an hour can do to 18 kilos of a little boy. His worldview is admittedly distorted. Much of it comes from cartoons, especially Spiderman, who he believes can swoop down and fly anyone out of danger.


I found myself walking to the car, which had come to a halt a few meters from a building. A woman in her sixties sat inside, still clutching the steering wheel.


“Are you all right?” I asked. Translation: did you just have a heart attack? Why did you just try to kill me and my little boy?


“Someone cut me off…” she started. Interrupting her in midsentence, I said maybe we’d both better say our prayers that night. The anger didn’t set in until later.


Since that day, I’ve planted over a hundred bulbs in my yard – irises, crocuses, narcissus – those miracles of early spring. “A contract with the future,” a gardener friend calls them.


(王振平 译)



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