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2021-01-01 22:55:01


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:

(1) describe the drawing briefly,

(2) explain its intended meaning, and then

(3) state your point of view.


As is illustrated in the picture, a couple sleeps on the same bed but they seem to be rather isolated from each other. Their oral communication has been replaced by online chatting. This picture reveals the in-depth problem of modern people’s alienation from each other, even among family members.

The issue is attributed to two factors. In the first place, modern people are fully occupied by their work and business, which causes so much tension that there is little time left for communication with each other. Everybody is busy all the time because of the pressure of survival in the society, which deprives them of a casual way of life. In the second place, the prevailing use of the Internet makes it easier for people to contact each other. However, the convenience of sending instant messages to anybody around the world prevents people from the pleasure of the face-to-face communication. In a sense, the addiction to internet exchange makes humans mechanical.

People should be aware that the modern modes of communication cannot take the place of traditional ones. If the couple in the drawing continues to behave like this, their close relationship might be ruined, perhaps even becoming the “closest stranger” some day. Direct communications, in contrast, helps construct more human connections among people.






in-depth: adj. 深入的

alienation: n. 异化,分离

tension: n. 紧张状态,不安

deprives sb. of: 使某人失去

casual: adj. 随意的,不经意的

prevailing: adj. 流行的。广泛的


As is illustrated in the picture…

This picture reveals the in-depth problem of…

The issue is attributed to two factors.

In a sense…



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