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2021-01-02 11:55:01







假定你是李华,你的英国朋友 Jean听说中国正流行一种新冠状病毒(novel coronavirus),对你很是担心,因此给你发来邮件,想了解有关情况,请你给她回封邮件,内容包括:

1. 目前生活状况;

2. 防控病毒措施;

3. 叫Jean不要担心,坚信定能战胜病毒。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:quarantinev. & n.隔离




1. 网课设置情况;

2. 使用方式;

3. 你的感受。






1. 疫情现状;

2. 募捐目的、用途;

3. 参与方式。


Ladies and gentlemen,


British Chinese Students’ Association

第四篇 抗疫进行曲

【主题语境】 高考渐行渐近,抗疫备考同行


1. 你的态度、状况;

2. 高考时间、科目;

3. 表示希望。

注意:1. 词数100左右;



Dear Jean,

Thanks for your concern. I’d like to tell you something about the novel coronavirus, which is spreading in China.

The recent outbreak of the virus has caused many deaths, threatening people’s health and causing panic as well as lots of troubles. As the virus is spread by droplets from people’s sneezing or coughing, we’re required to stay home for quarantine. If we have to go out, we must wear masks and wash our hands carefully after returning so as to avoid being infected.

Fortunately, the school has opened online classes for us and I’m safe at home, so don’t worry about me. I’m sure our country will win the battle against the virus.(120 words)

Yours ,

Li Hua


Dear Jean,

I sincerely appreciate your concern for my health and study. Because of the serious COVID-19 epidemic, the starting date of the spring semester has been postponed and we are staying home for further notice.

At present, the school has launched online courses for us, using an application called DingDing, through which the teachers livestream lectures and give us assignments. We’re now adjusted to the learning model, realizing it is of great significance to the learning of students at home, and it contributes to the epidemic prevention as well.

As winter retreats and spring approaches, I’m sure NCP will be under control and we’re looking forward to going to school soon. (114 words)

Best wishes.

Li Hua


Since January of this year, the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, China, has caused thousands of deaths and the virus is spreading from nationwide to worldwide. Worse still, the lack of medical supplies has put the treatment and prevention under great pressure. To help end the catastrophe, we’re ready to launch a fund-raising campaign. We rely entirely on voluntary donations to fund our program, and your donation of any amount is appreciated, which will surely make a great difference. You can rest assured that we’ll spend the money buying surgical masks, gloves, and protective clothing for medical workers in the serious Wuhan Epidemic Area. Several ways are available for participation and please visit our website for detailed information: www.bcsa.net/ncpdonation. (120 words)


Thanks for your heartwarming letter. As the epidemic is not over, I’m still staying home learning. I don’t know whether the college entrance examination will be affected, but I’m quite aware that what I should do now is to make good preparations for it. Being strict with myself at home, I feel satisfied with my reviewing effect.

Gaokao (NCEE), scheduled to take place on June 7th and 8th, is a vital examination for us. On the first day, Chinese and maths are tested, while liberal arts /science subjects and English are tested on the second day.

Time pressing, I must race against it. With victory coming around the corner, all my efforts are bound to pay off. (120 words)

Best wishes.

Li Hua



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