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英文美句 核心词汇appeal

2021-01-04 02:50:01

All the organizations involved have sent urgent appeals to the government, asking for extra funding.


1. send urgent appeals to the government 向政府发出紧急呼吁

2. asking for extra funding要求增加拨款


request 要求

[C] an urgent request for something important 呼吁;恳求

If you appeal tosomeone to do something, you make a serious and urgent request to them.


If you appeala decision to someone in authority, you formally ask them to change it. 申诉


1. He appealed tovotersto go to the polls tomorrow.


2. He will appeal tothe state for an extension of unemployment benefits.


3. We intend to appeal the verdict.


4. They took their appeal tothe Supreme Court.


5. She decided to make a formal appealthrough her lawyer.


6. The US Supreme Court could refuse to consider the appeal.


7. My client is planning to make an appeal.



1. an urgent appeal 紧急呼吁

2. a desperate appeal 急切呼吁

3. a direct appeal 直接呼吁

4. a personal appeal 亲自呼吁

5. a public appeal 公开呼吁

6. a fresh appeal (=one that you make again) 再次发出的呼吁

7. a nationwide appeal 向全国发出的呼吁

8. an international appeal 向全世界发出的呼吁

9. a television appeal 通过电视发出的呼吁

10. make an appeal 提出上诉

11. lodge / file / bring an appeal (=make an appeal) 提出上诉

12. consider an appeal 考虑上诉请求

13. hear an appeal (=listen to all the facts) 审理上诉案

14. win / lose an appeal 上诉胜诉 / 败诉

15. uphold / allow an appeal (=give permission for a decision to be changed) 受理上诉

16. dismiss / throw out / turn down an appeal (=not give permission for a decision to be changed) 驳回上诉

17. an appeal fails / succeeds 上诉失败/成功

18. a desperate appeal 急切呼吁

19. a formal appeal 正式上诉

20. grounds for an appeal (=reasons for making an appeal) 上诉理由

21. a right of appeal 上诉权

pending appeal (=until an appeal can take place) 等待上诉



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