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2021-02-20 01:38:44



Title: My Favorite Season


In English writing, the title is usually placed at the top of the page, centered and in bold or italics. The introduction should include a brief explanation of the topic and the purpose of the essay. It should be clear and concise, setting the stage for the rest of the essay.

My favorite season is summer. I love the warm weather, the long days, and all the outdoor activities that come with it. In this essay, I will discuss the reasons why summer is my favorite season and how it brings me joy and excitement.


The body of the essay should be divided into paragraphs, with each paragraph addressing a different aspect of the topic. Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence, followed by supporting details and examples. Transition words and phrases should be used to connect the paragraphs and ideas.

First, summer brings warm and sunny weather, which allows for outdoor activities such as swimming, hiking, and picnics. The bright sunshine and blue skies make me feel happy and energized, and I always look forward to spending time outdoors with my friends and family.

Second, the long days of summer give me extra time to enjoy my favorite activities. I can stay outside late into the evening, watching the sunset, stargazing, or having a barbecue. The extra daylight motivates me to be more productive and make the most of every moment.

Furthermore, summer vacations are a highlight of the season. I love traveling to new places, exploring nature, and making memories with my loved ones. Whether it"s a beach getaway, a road trip, or a camping adventure, the excitement and anticipation of a summer vacation is unparalleled.


The conclusion should summarize the main points of the essay and restate the thesis in a fresh way. It should leave the reader with a sense of closure and finality.

In conclusion, summer is a season of joy, warmth, and adventure. Its pleasant weather, long days, and opportunities for fun and relaxation make it my favorite time of year. I always look forward to the arrival of summer and cherish the memories I create during this special season.

Please note that this is just a template for an English essay, and the actual content and topic can vary. When writing your own essay, be sure to use proper grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary to convey your ideas effectively.


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