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2021-03-14 05:05:02


Only in the baby from crying wah-wah, that we invoke the first words whispered parents learn to walk the first time to walk small foot staggering along. The first time carrying a bag to school, the first test scores back, the first from their parents ... ... maybe you#39;ve never noted this many times in the first, in the growth of this long road to the parents how much to pay into the How much love. Every time you smile, every success, and even failed every time, every mistake in the minds of parents will never forget, to accompany you around, give you the support of silence ... ...

We come from? To hear this issue, I am sure you will say that parents bring us up in the world. Yes ah, the day thirteen years ago, our parents with tears, smiles and happiness to greet our arrival. We came to the world from the moment that many parents have a heavy work - to take care of us. Although this is a heavy burden, but the baby#39;s "Wah-Wah" bring to the nursery, we grow up, parents spend much of the effort and sweat, how many days and nights weaving, parents have no complaints.

Small, I always love their parents as a matter of course, because I do not understand the hard work their parents do not know. Now, I grew up, and I know with a heart of Thanksgiving to appreciate their parents, should take care, the responsibility of your parents.



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