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MBA degree英语求职信范文

2021-04-28 13:40:03

MBA degree英语求职信范文

Today,I am writing to apply for the application engineer of your company,below i will give you some general information about myself.

I graduated from hhhh university in 20XX, and got a MBA degree,

In my campus life, i have received the most excelent award three times,i have served in the colleague baskball team and as monitor for about two years.and in my spare time , i also love reading ,everyday even i am very busy,i will spare at least one hour to read my favoriate book.

Through search ,and i know that your is a famous company with excelent management ,so if i have the opportunity to work in the company ,i believe that i will be able to full develop my abilities and obtain strong knowledge ,and the same time i will make valueable contribution to your company.

so look forward your reply.

thank you,




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