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2021-05-02 08:10:01


Hey,I am Ethan, which is my English name; My Chinese name is Luo Yuchen. I’m a boy, a good boy, everybody knows that. I will be nine years old next month, and I am already a student in grade three. My eyes are big and black. I may be somewhat small, not very tall, but I run very fast and jump very far. I live in Beijing and have a really happy family. Dad and Mom are always very busy in their work. Grandpa and grandma often come to my home from our hometown. Tell you, I have a little brother, Evan. Many times, I heard Mom told others that Evan is smart and handsome, but I think I may be better than him. I love them and they love me. I like green and blue. Hot dog and pizza are my favorite foods. I love fishing. When I am fishing, I always sit still and try not to scare the fishes away. Even a little butterfly in front of my eyes, I won’t be disturbed. Each time, I can catch at least two fishes. I study in Baijiazhuang Elementary School. I like my school very much and like my teachers and classmates. My school has a lot of students and many classrooms. It has a big green and red sports ground, too. Many tall trees are around the sports ground; in front of the ground, a big Chinese national flag flies over on a tall pole. Now, have you learned me?



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