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2021-05-02 09:35:04


most of us have had an eperience which reminds us the world is getting smaller. perhaps when you went to some place far away from the city you live in and thought you knew nobody there, you were surprised to find that you ran into one of your old classmates on the street! then both of you cried out, “what a small world!”

why is the world getting smaller and smaller? for one thing, modern technology has created various means of transportation. and they are more and more available. buses, trains, planes and tais are found in most cities of the world. they carry goods and passengers to and from every corner of the world. for another thing, with the development of modern society, people are in contact with one another more frequently. everyday we must deal with a lot of people unknown to us before. the more advanced a society, the more contacts we make with others.

so we can draw the conclusion that as long as technology makes progress, the world will grow smaller and smaller.



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