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2021-05-09 08:00:13


each individual encounters such troubles as sickness and discomfort situations in his or her development. similarly, each society is inevitably harmfully impacted by immoral or even illegal economic activities in the process of its evolvement. the most notorious and harmful among these despicable actives are fake commodities.

fake commodities, like a virus that intrudes and cripples an organism, exert alarmingly detrimental influences on each individual consumer, the community, and the social mores as well.they directly hurt the consumers by providing products that are priced highly but inferior in quality. sometimes such products as faked medicine or foods can threaten consumers’ life, needless to mention consumers’ economic loss. the more fake commodities a society has, the more exacerbated the moral and ethic in that society.

what the society must immediately address is to minimize the quantity of any fake commodities and eradicate any opportunity to manufacture them



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