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2021-06-19 17:55:02


Youth is a preciou s gif t and a golden time in our life . When we ar e young , we ar e strong and healthy . It is the time for us to prepare ourselves to become responsible citizens .

Youth comes only once in a lifetime, the refore , it is impor tant that we should not waste those years in idleness and bad living . This is also the time when our memories ar e best . We are able to learn more during this time than when we become older . During our younger years , we have the enth usiasm to set high goals for ourselves . We also t ry to overcome obstacles which are placed in our way .

If we r ealize how preciou s youth is , we will be fulfilled when we are young as well as when we a re older. If we waste our youth, we will s pend the rest of our lives wis hing we could be young again .


·youth — a precious gift and a golden time

· youth — only once in a lifetime

· youth — to be treasur ed not wasted


本文是一篇议论文, 文字简单明了, 简单句较多, 全文三段均围绕“ 青年时期”这一主题展开。


waste those yea rs in idlenes s 蹉跎年华

set goals for 制定目标

obstacle n . 障碍

be fulfilled 充实完善

spend the rest of our lives wishing we could be young

again 有生之年将在追悔中度过



关于春节的作文开头 英语作文30词 写可乐鸡翅的作文 什么样的她作文 难忘的小学生活作文 作文打屁股 的那一刻作文600字初中 奇怪的梦作文400字 新学期新计划作文400 乡村作文700字 论网络游戏作文 科技创新作文800字高中 说说我的性格作文 关于秋天的五百字作文 老师不在的时候作文400字 我心雀跃作文600字 有关志愿者的作文 我的同桌作文开头初中 拒绝早恋600字作文 尝试500字作文 零分作文 写一处景物的作文450字 第一次挨打作文500字 我懂得了作文500字 抒情作文评语 我的爱好的作文 考试考砸了的作文 打女朋友的屁股作文 生活需要微笑600字作文 成长的烦恼350字作文