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2021-07-10 13:30:01


Since Jan 1st, China has allowed a couple to have two children, leaving behind its previous policy that limited most Chinese couples to one child, which has aroused a heated debate among the public.

In my opinion, the two-child policy should be carried out. To begin with, the change is meant to promote the population structure and deal with the problem of an ageing society. More old people may result in shortage of labor force. The new policy will slow down this decrease in the working population and hopefully continue China’s economic growth. Meanwhile, it will also lead to more spending on the second child, thus contributing to economic growth. On the other hand, if a family has two children, they two can share the burden of taking care of their parents and thus the sense of happiness will be stronger.

All in all, the two-child policy is beneficial for both family and country in the long run.



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