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2021-07-17 13:10:02


You should write a short essay entitled The Importance of Reading Classics。




参考范文: The Importance of Reading Classics

Since reading classics plays a significant role in developing a person’s character, many people recognize the importance of reading classics, especially to young people。

However, in modern society, it seems to most people that classical literary works are both outdated and time—consuming compared with their modem counterparts like TV programs, movies, and video games。 Only a few people bother to spend a lot of time reading classics。 And in the market, those fashionable reading materials, which may cater to modem people’s love of fashion, are taking the place of the masterpieces。 One of the reasons behind the phenomenon is that there are so many other leisure activities in the modern society that young people prefer these things for fun to classical literary works。

As the backbone of this society, college students should be fully aware of the importance of reading classics。 Therefore, we should read those classical works our ancestors have left to us as much as possible, and advocate the importance of classics so that an increasing number of people can enjoy the pleasure and benefit from reading classics。



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