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2021-07-22 11:45:01


1.This is what you should bear in mind: Dont ________ a salary increase before you actually get it.

A) hang on

B) draw on

C) wait on

D) count on

2.The ships generator broke down, and the pumps had to be operated ________ instead of mechanically.

A) artificially

B) automatically

C) manually

D) synthetically

3.The little girl was so frightened that she just wouldnt ________ her grip on my arm.

A) loosen

B) remove

C) relieve

D) dismiss

4.He never arrives on time and my ________ is that he feels the meetings are useless.

A) preference

B) conference

C) inference

D) reference

5.Mrs. Smith was so ________ about everything that no servants could please her.

A) specific

B) special

C) precise

D) particular

6.Last night he saw two dark ________ enter the building, and then there was the explosion.

A) features

B) figures

C) sketches

D) images

7.It is obvious that this new rule is applicable to everyone without ________.



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