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2021-07-31 15:35:01


Distinguished leaders and teachers:


Whether you choose me,I must say the road is very sincere "Thank you for giving me the opportunity to"!

I am a lucky guy,in my experience the road to study a number of very good teachers,they have high status in the eyes,therefore,be a people of teachers has become a dream of my childhood,in practice,I The first set foot on the podium,the first students to feel really naive,pure,and even mischievous,they are happy smiling faces made me feel I was the worlds most well-being of the people,at this moment,I am a teacher of students with love motherly love as holy,to be a peoples teacher is my choice no regrets!

Sixteen years of school life,a decade left the care of parents,of course,I would be more independent than others,tenacious. Truth-seeking,aggressive,challenging it can be said that I am one of the major characteristics of personality,I have always believed that word,as long as had been done,is also a victory failed! The results are important,but experience will make you a man in the process of becoming more rich,full-bodied.

"No experience of wind and rain,how can!" I appreciate this can be very frank with you that just four years ago I entered the University of the school,music,literacy can be said to be poor and white,because I am in the High only when the sense of music,just like before,have never received any professional training,only after six months of intensive,I will be able to in his capacity as the country entered the Music Department of Northeast Normal University,teachers have exclaimed This is really a miracle.

After four years of efforts by several times more than ordinary people,I am vocal,piano and other door basic theory and basic skills courses has made amazing progress,an ugly duckling has become a white swan,if you do not believe it,I go of waiting for your appraisal!



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