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2021-08-06 13:05:02


32. ①That car nearly hit you.

②So dont play on the road again, as it could be very dangerous.

③I wanted to get my ball.

④You must be more careful.

A. ②④③①

B. ④①③②

C. ④①②③

D. ①④②③

33. ①Thanks a lot. Lets go.

②But its good for skating.

③What a cold day it is today!

④It doesnt matter. I can teach you.

⑤I cant skate at all.

A. ③②⑤④①

B. ③①⑤②④

C. ④②⑤①③

D. ⑤①②④③

34. ①Thank you very much.

②Excuse me.

③Go along this street and take the second turning on the right.

④Where is the North Street hospital, please?

A. ④③②①

B. ①②③④

C. ②④①③

D. ②④③①

35.①Which sport are you in today?

②We must be more careful then.

③How could that be?

④Im not doing anything because I fell and hurt my leg.

A. ①④③②



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