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2021-12-05 13:55:02





The new year has begun. In my impression, the previous Spring Festival is to visit relatives, friends and family! However, this year's Spring Festival is very special.


Because of the new coronavirus coming from Wuhan, we had to stay at home honestly because of the new coronavirus. Don't go out. Don't party. Wear masks when you go out. It's probably the most words you say to your family and friends in the New Year! Mom and dad get up every day, are watching all kinds of news about the new coronavirus, I also follow them to watch the news every day.


In the news, I learned that the epidemic has spread to the whole country, including Wenzhou City in Zhejiang Province. In order to control the epidemic, every place is in Fengcun and Fenglu. And we also delayed the start of school! There are also those medical staff and epidemic prevention staff who stick to the front line. They are also very hard. They stick to their jobs day and night! Here, I salute them! Thank them for their unknown efforts. In the news, experts said: "if you don't go out at home, you should also pay attention to personal hygiene, wash your hands frequently, and ventilation can also effectively prevent virus infection." Now people all over the country are fighting against the virus! I hope the epidemic will end soon, and we can return to school as soon as possible! I also want to study hard and be a person who will contribute to our country in the future! Go China! Come on, Wuhan!



It's said that once upon a time, every night on the thirtieth of the twelfth lunar month, a monster named Nian would come out of the forest to catch people. People found that "Nian" was most afraid of red and noise, so people wore red clothes, hung red lanterns, set off firecrackers, and finally scared "Nian" away. Until the first day of the first month, people would visit relatives and friends to pay New Year's greetings to each other. This is the origin of "Spring Festival".


There are also some customs in the Spring Festival, such as: sweeping, eating candy, pasting window flowers, eating dumplings and so on. I have a lot of expectations for this Spring Festival


However, novel coronavirus (2019-nCov) appeared in Spring Festival this year. Wuhan was closed on January 23, 2020. During the Spring Festival, experts advised us not to go out. I want to go to the amusement park, I want to visit my relatives' house for new year's Eve, I want to play with my friends, but it can't be realized now, I'm very depressed. However, experts said: "if you must go out, wear a good mask and wash your hands as soon as you go home; if you can not go out, try not to go out, which is to contribute to the country." Novel coronavirus, as a primary school student, can be a great honor for the country to make contributions to. So I stayed at home during the whole spring festival. According to my schedule of winter vacation, I did homework, read books, draw pictures, read calligraphy, watch TV, pay attention to the dynamics of the new coronavirus pneumonia, play chess with my parents, and so on, so that the whole family is safe and healthy. I feel very happy and happy.


Thriving and prosperous novel coronavirus will be the first to win the battle of the new year. Come on, Wuhan! Come on China!



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