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2022-02-03 11:35:02


今天,是祖国六十六华诞的大喜日子。全中国都沉浸在节日欢乐的气氛之中。 夜晚来临了!一排排彩灯亮了起来,把整条街道照得如同白昼。

Today is the great day of our country"s sixty sixth birthday. The whole of China is immersed in the festive atmosphere. Night is coming! Rows of colored lights are on, lighting the whole street like day.


The lights on Zhuangyuan bridge are brilliant and become the ocean of lights. The street lights, like colorful fireworks splashed down the world. A string of lights on the road, like the flashing river. There are a variety of goods in the shop, and the broad street is full of people. The square is even more colorful, colorful, in the light of the reflection, it is particularly beautiful. The rows of cars on the road are moving forward like a long dragon, which makes the road blocked by water.

夜色更浓了。大街上也更热闹了。人们三五成群地边散步边“叽哩咕噜”地说着什么。街边的小贩大声叫卖:“快来买呀!出锅栗子!” “ 卖瓜子!”“……”各种小吃让人们“口水直流三千尺”了。”过节了,每家商店都大打折扣,从商店走出的人都拎着大包小包,脸上洋溢着幸福的笑容。人们沐浴着凉爽的海风,观赏着五彩缤纷的灯光,真是舒服极了。

The night grew darker. The streets are busier. People walk in groups and say "gibberish". The peddler on the street shouted: "come and buy it! Get chestnuts out of the pot!" "sell melon seeds!" " All kinds of snacks make people "drool three thousand feet." After the festival, every shop is on sale. People who walk out of the shop are carrying bags and smiling happily. People are bathing in the cool sea breeze and watching the colorful lights. It"s very comfortable.


What a beautiful street scene on National Day!



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