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2022-02-04 17:40:01


楚国大夫屈原,一直热爱国家,可他这颗爱国之心遭到了子兰、靳尚等人不公正的对待。在公元278年五月初五,屈原心怀爱国忧愤,抱着一块大石头,跳进汨罗江里自 杀了,楚国老百姓万分悲伤,都划着小船去救屈原,可是一片汪洋,哪有屈原的影子,大伙在汨罗江里捞了半天,也没有找到屈原的尸体,只好把竹筒里的米饭撒下去,希望水里的鱼儿不要啃屈辱原的"尸体。打那以后,每年农历五月初五这一天,当地百姓都划船把竹筒里的米饭撒到江里,再后来,人们把竹筒里的米改为粽子。

Qu Yuan, a doctor of the state of Chu, has always loved the country, but his patriotic heart was unfairly treated by Zilan, Jinshang and others. On the fifth day of May 278 ad, Qu Yuan, with patriotism and indignation in mind, jumped into the Miluo River with a big stone in his arms Kill, Chu people are very sad, all rowing boats to save Qu Yuan, but a vast ocean, which has Qu Yuan"s shadow, we fished in Miluo River for a long time, also did not find Qu Yuan"s body, had to put the rice in the bamboo tube down, hope the fish in the water don"t chew Qu Yuan"s body. Since then, on the fifth day of the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, local people rowed boats to scatter rice in bamboo tubes into the river. Later, people changed rice in bamboo tubes into zongzi.


Every Dragon Boat Festival, people make zongzi, buy zongzi and eat zongzi. The shape of zongzi is very special. It"s neither square nor round. Zongzi wraps glutinous rice and dates with green zongzi leaves, and some people wrap meat The color and appearance are very good-looking, and the taste of zongzi is unique. It is not only a delicious food for relieving summer heat and appetizing, but also a nourishing good product with rich nutrition, so adults and children love it.


Whenever I eat zongzi, I think of Qu Yuan"s patriotic spirit!



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