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2022-02-10 12:45:02



Today, my mother and I went to the provincial painting academy to see the exhibition. In the exhibition hall, it was so quiet that you could hear the needles on the floor. My mother and I also enjoyed the exhibition quietly. There is flying fish in the exhibition hall. In the picture, a little boy sits on a fish and flies to the moon. Because he is going to find his dream. The exhibition hall is also full of all kinds of paintings, including "escape scenery", in which there are turbid lake water and black sky, only one or two bright flowers still stand on the branches. That"s the result of our destruction of the earth. There is also the sky of the big bird. There is a dark sky in the picture. There are also some cans and some appliances and newspapers we discarded in the air. Because we keep making rubbish, the sky that used to be blue and far-reaching is now black and dark.


After the exhibition, we went home. This exhibition mainly tells me to protect the earth. Students, do you protect the earth?



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