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2022-02-14 16:25:01


Today is the second day of winter vacation release, in the winter vacation homework, one to read 4 class distinction of books. Early in the morning, I was eager to shout loudly: "grandma, grandma, today you and I together to xinhua bookstore to buy 4 class distinction book?" Grandma al Jefferson replied: "good, good! I"m very happy to buy a book with you." Come away, we set off right now.

After a while came to the xinhua bookstore. Into the door, I saw with many school things downstairs, point reading machine, etc. Let"s go to the second floor, seen around the middle and putting all kinds of books on the shelf has everything. I carefully in these books to find the book I need. In a side shelf finally discovered. "The water margin" price is 16.80 yuan. "Tom Sawyer adventures" price is 16.80 yuan. "Lubin sun Crusoe price is 13.00 yuan. And I bought 3 books, respectively is the bitter son stray meter price is 10.00 yuan. "Love education", the price is 16.80 yuan. "Aesop"s fables" price is 29.80 yuan. I take these books to the counter with grandma, aunt the cashier put the books one by one to get the computer scanning, computer soon showed me pick the total price of the book. Aunt said: "a total of 103.20 yuan. I took out my normal accumulate allowance of 110 dollars to the aunt, she find my 6.80 yuan. Pay the money, I take on his book of choose and buy, politely say to aunt: "auntie, bye!" Aunt smiled said to me: "kid, goodbye! You are welcome to come again next time."

On the way home, my in the mind is really extremely happy. Because these books can not only enrich my winter holiday, also can teach me more knowledge!


不一会儿来到了新华书店。走进大门,只见楼下摆放着许多学习用品,点读机等。我们走到二楼,看见中间和四周的书架上摆放着各种各样的书,真是应有尽有。我仔细地在这些书籍中寻找我所需要的书。终于在一侧书架上发现了。《水浒传》书价是16.80元;《汤姆.索耶历险记》书价是16.80元;《鲁滨孙漂流记》书价是13.00元;我又买了3本课外书,分别是《苦儿流浪计》书价是10.00元;《爱的`教育》书价是16.80元;《伊索寓言》书价是29.80元。我和奶奶一起把这些书拿到收银台,收银员阿姨把书一本一本的拿到电脑前扫描,电脑上很快的显示出我选的书籍的总价。阿姨说:“一共人民币103.20元。” 我拿出自己平时积攒的110元零用钱递给了阿姨,她找回我6.80元。付完钱,我拿上自己选购的书,有礼貌地对阿姨说:“阿姨,再见!”阿姨对我笑了笑说:“小朋友,再见!欢迎你下次再来。”




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