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2022-02-15 12:35:01



Today, I am very happy because Mommy bought me a melody electronic piano。 Just yesterday I had a bold idea in my mind。 That is: draw this year"s expectations on the sketchbook。 My wish is: this year, with my own ability, the first one is to buy a piano stool, the second one is to buy a lace cover, and the third one is to buy a lace cover。 If there is any other ability to buy a piano bag。 I will work hard to finish the task assigned to me ahead of time。 In this way, I can buy a set of piano!


New year, new expectation。 There should be a new plan and a new beginning for the new year。 You want to, you earn money to buy things, tell others。 How proud!

我一定要完成任务,还有一个附加任务那就是:每一个月学一首曲子。我最想弹的是:因为爱情,一次就好,因为矮所以爱,还有植物大战僵尸的背景曲。 好了不说了,想要完成任务就要从现在开始!

I must complete the task, and there is an additional task: learn a song every month。 What I want to play most is: because of love, one time is good, because it is short, so love, and the background song of Plants vs。 Zombies。 Well, if you want to finish the task, you have to start now!



介绍自己的作文300字 以感动为话题的作文 第一次坐飞机作文 我的一片天空作文 读书伴我成长作文 热爱生命作文 关于雷锋的作文 我很重要作文 乐在其中作文 吹泡泡作文 美丽的秋天作文 写一个人的作文 自我介绍的作文 作文400字大全 长城的作文 大海的作文 烦恼的作文 榜样 作文 启示作文 我做了一项小实验作文三年级 新年趣事作文 作文培训 美丽的校园三年级作文300字 六年级上册第一单元作文 我喜欢的一本书作文 西红柿炒鸡蛋作文 写成长的作文 绿色环保作文 作文我最敬佩的人 得与失作文