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2022-02-18 08:00:01



I haven"t kept a diary for two years. Now I"m a little strange.

现在已经是寒假开始的第三天了,上午我闲着没事干,就要妹妹一起玩,过了不久,妈妈叫我去擦一下饮水机,我拿着毛巾端了一盆水,把毛巾洗一遍,再去擦,擦一点,洗一遍毛巾,这样就反复的"做着洗完了,原本风尘仆仆的饮水机被我擦得一干二净,过后妈妈又叫我去洗厕所。我穿上水鞋,走进厕所,我先把洗手桌上的东西放在一边,再用花洒冲。我冲着冲着觉得水太小,我想到一个主意,把花洒拧下来,于是我把花洒拧下来再打开水,用手指头堵住出水口的一半,就做成了一个简易的高压水枪, 我用这用着这把特殊的高压水枪把厕所里里里外外冲了个一干二净,然后把花洒装好,把东西摆好就完工了。

Now it"s the third day of winter vacation. I have nothing to do in the morning. I want my sister to play with me. After a while, my mother asked me to clean the water dispenser. I took a towel and brought a basin of water. I washed the towel again. Then I wiped it a little. I washed the towel again. In this way, I washed the dusty water dispenser completely. After that, my mother I was asked to wash the toilet. I put on my water shoes and went into the toilet. I put aside the things on the washing table first and then flush them with flowers. I thought the water was too small. I came up with an idea to screw off the shower, so I screwed off the shower and turned on the water, blocked half of the water outlet with my finger, and made a simple high-pressure water gun. I used this special high-pressure water gun to clean the toilet inside and outside, then installed the shower, and finished putting things in place.



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