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2022-03-06 09:20:01



Today, my parents and I went to visit the furniture. Along the way, I would lie down and write, put up a shelf on the sofa and knock on my legs. I felt that I was not myself!


We took a look at the sofa and the bed. I have a satisfactory bed. The waitress and aunt also think it"s good. After reading and looking, we still haven"t decided to buy a bed. We went to the bookshelf to have a look.


There were several bookshelves there, but I didn"t care. I immediately sat on my chair and lay on my stomach to write my novel. After a while, = mom and dad asked me to look up and pick up the bookcase. I read and looked again, and chose the brown bookcase.


After paying, my mother walked to work. My father and I drove home to wait for the bookcase. When we got home, I watched TV for a while. At this time, my father took my hand to the window to see if they had arrived. After a while, I saw them and immediately said, "dad! They"re coming with the bookcase! " After listening, my father asked me, "have you got to the elevator?" I said, "no!" At this time, the door "Peng" a, I guess dad is going to wait for them.


At this time, I heard the "whoosh" of the elevator. They should have left. Along with the sound of the elevator, there was a knock on the door. I quickly opened the door and moved in the bookcase with my father.



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