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2022-02-20 13:25:01



Today"s weather is really good! It"s a good day to fly kites. The lazy wind blows over the body, and the body warms up immediately.


I didn"t expect so many people flying kites today. All kinds of kites float in the sky and show different styles. Eagle kite is brave and domineering in the sky; Phoenix kite is beautiful and naive in the sky. My kite is a seven color kite. I hold the kite in my left hand and the kite shaft in my right hand. I hold it and run forward. However, no matter how fast I run or how high I lift it, it can"t fly. It doesn"t matter. Failure is the mother of success. Come again!


The second time, I didn"t use the original "tactics", but directly threw the kite into the sky and let it fly with the help of the wind. Obviously, this method can"t work. It didn"t take long to fly down.


Well, now I"m in a very depressed mood. However, I"ve always been a very optimistic person. I didn"t give up. This time, I asked my father to lift the kite high. I took the kite shaft and started! Run! I gave my order, and my father ran quickly, while I was flying the string all the time, and I shouted, "throw!" Dad immediately threw the kite up. Yeah, this time it finally succeeded! My kite slowly flew up. I"ll lock the kite shaft again. You can"t escape from Wuzhishan even if you are monkey king!


It seems that kite flying can only succeed if we work together as a team!



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