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2022-03-03 12:40:01



That day, I learned to ride a bike with my mother happily. My mother and I walked to the door of the building. There was a path for me to ride. There were few cars. 300 words of learning bicycle diary


At first, I was afraid of falling from it. I asked my mother to hold the bike and go forward little by little. I"m riding, slowly found the feeling, but the bike is crooked, is unable to find the direction. All of a sudden, I lost my balance by turning left and right at the faucet of my car. Before I knew what was going on, I fell into a puddle. "Oh, it hurts!" I covered my feet, frowned and hummed, my feet hurt beyond imagination. After a rest, I slowly got up and continued to ride. When I was riding happily, my mother suddenly let go of the handle. The car went out of control and I fell into the grass again. At that time, I was very angry. My mother deliberately let go of her hand. Why did my mother let go of her hand and let me wrestle? I stopped riding. I went up the stairs angrily, lying on the sofa and angry with my mother. My foot hurt a lot and the tears fell down.


My mother came back sweating. She saw me smiling happily. She said, "honey, I thought you were missing. I"m relieved to see you at home. Can you learn how to ride a bike if mom doesn"t let go? " Seeing my mother"s smiling face, I feel guilty. My mother has always been so concerned about me, so concerned about protecting me. The just let go is actually for me to learn to ride faster. I really blame her. I want to continue to learn cycling, not afraid of wrestling, I want to adhere to!


So, I ran downstairs without saying a word, and rode up happily. I held the handle tightly, stepped on and stepped on, fell down, and then climbed up After a few days of practice, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I was slowly able to control my bike. If I wanted to ride it, I would ride it. If I wanted to stop, I would stop. I learned how to ride it! I burst into a smile, as long as we insist, do not give up, practice more, willing to bear hardships, we will succeed!



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