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2022-03-04 11:00:01



"May Day" is off. My uncle and aunt took me, brother Xixi and brother Leilei to Longcheng Auto Club and went to Xingtai, Hebei Province for a visit. Do you know what a car club is? Let me tell you!


On May 1st, we got up at half past five. It"s just dawn. After washing and washing, pack up your things and leave. How do you get together? Let me tell you, of course, they are driving at the high-speed intersection. When I got to the assembly place, I counted about 30 cars. We"re in group C, number five. When we arrived, we used walkie talkies to contact the president. He told us that "to go to Xingtai Grand Canyon, Hebei Province, we should pay attention to safety, obey the command and drive in order."


The motorcade set out, like a long dragon, making rapid progress on the highway. The chairman worked hard. He reminded the radar speed measuring area in the walkie talkie and told everyone where to refuel and rest. Along the way, some people told jokes, which made us very happy. Soon after getting off the expressway, we went to the mountain road. Somehow, we began to get stuck in traffic. As a result, our team arrived at the destination at two o"clock in the afternoon.


The next day, we spent the morning playing near the house, playing grass skiing, sand skiing, archery, taking a speedboat, and fishing in the river. Back at 2:30 p.m., the motorcade still lined up to go. When we got on the highway, we all felt like returning to each other. We no longer went in order, heading for our hometown.


I think this car club is very good. I will play with it in the future.



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