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2022-03-06 16:45:01



Know my elders or friends, always say that I am a lying child. I don"t deny that, but I don"t know why I love lying.


But I remember when I first lied. It was the eighth day of the first month. My homework for winter vacation had not been finished yet, but it was getting closer and closer to leaving school. My father and my aunt and younger brother and sister went to the street to play. They were going to take me, but when I went out, my father said to me: "Xiaoyu, you see your clothes are dirty. Hurry up and let Grandma change them for you. Otherwise, it would be disgraceful "!"


After listening to my father"s words, I looked down at my clothes. It was like putting a layer of soy sauce on them. So I turned around and ran to the house, shouting to grandma to change my clean clothes. However, when I happily changed my clothes and came out, I found that they had driven away and left me alone. They lied to me. I"m very sad and disappointed. I did my homework at home that day. When they came back, I didn"t pay any attention to them. But from then on, I also learned to lie, experienced a kind of happiness of deceiving success, and felt a little dark and despicable.


I don"t understand why I hate their behavior so much, and why I am like this. I know that one day, I read a story called Zeng Zi killed a pig.


It"s about Zeng Zi"s wife going to the street, and his son also wants to go with her. Mom told him to go back and kill pigs for him. When his wife came back, Zeng Zi really wanted to kill the pig, but his wife stopped him and said, "I just talk to the child and play." Zengzi said: "never talk and play with the child. The child is not sensible at all. He learns from his parents. If you cheat him, he will also learn to cheat. As a mother"s cheat, the child can"t believe his mother. How can he be educated in the future? "


"Parents are the first enlightenment teachers of their children," the book says My parents have a great influence on us. I understand that. I must change it well in the future. I will show this story to my father and hope he can change it.



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