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2022-03-06 17:30:01



Today, my father bought me a pair of skates. As soon as I got home, I couldn"t wait to put them on and go out to learn skating.


At first, I thought learning to skate was very simple, just a piece of cake. However, unexpectedly, the skates gave me a challenge. As soon as I stood up, I fell down. It was so painful that I couldn"t help crying out: "what a pain..."


My father said to me, "when you skate, you should have a good balance so that you won"t fall. What"s more, you have just practiced. You need to learn to walk first. "

我听了,就照爸爸说的去做了:我把身体做到平衡状态,跨出了第一步,又跨出了第二步、第三步、第四步…… “我成功了!”我兴奋得大声喊了起来。爸爸说:“学得不错,现在能学跑了。”说着,还给我示范了一个标准的.动作:他把膝盖弯曲,身子向前倾,脸朝前方。我也学着做了一遍,我脚一蹬,便“嗖”地一声跑了出去。可能是速度太快了吧,我的身子不由自主地往后倾斜。突然,“咚”的一声——我重重地摔到了地上,我又忍住疼痛站了起来。

After listening, I did what my father said: I balanced my body, took the first step, and then took the second, third and fourth steps "I made it!" I cried out with excitement. Dad said, "well done. Now you can learn to run." He also showed me a standard action: he bent his knees, leaned forward and faced forward. I also learned to do it once, and when I stepped on it, I ran out with a whoosh. Maybe it"s too fast. I can"t help leaning back. Suddenly, "Dong" - I fell heavily to the ground, and I stood up again in pain.


Dad said, "now you want balance, not speed. You don"t have to lean back, you have to lean forward, you know? "


So, I skated again according to my father"s instructions. This time, I slowed down and leaned forward. This time, I did not wrestle, but also accidentally learned to turn.


I said excitedly to my father, "I can skate!"



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