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2022-08-13 13:55:01




I had a meal in the morning, walked with my mother to exercise, and went to the drugstore to buy some masks, alcohol and other things, because it's a very time I dare not go too far.

I wear a double-layer mask to prevent the virus. I wear a bulky down jacket to prevent cold. When I walk on the quiet asphalt road in the community, the adults and children are gone. There is no noise in the community square in the past. "Hey, because of the invasion of the coronavirus, I have to take shelter at home.".

Out of the gate of the community, there are a few private cars running on the road. Police cars and special police cars patrol on the road, almost no pedestrians can be seen. Occasionally, one person is also armed, wearing a mask and a hat. The whole road seems to be in a biochemical crisis without the usual traffic.

When she came to the drugstore, the salesman was also a fully armed aunt. She wore a three-layer mask, disposable gloves, disposable foot covers, and only two eyes were exposed outside. Many medicines on the shelf were sold out of stock. I asked about the masks, alcohol and cold medicine. Before I finished, the aunt of the drugstore waved her hand, "no, none, alcohol, cold medicine and anti-inflammatory medicine. The masks were out of stock two days ago, and the materials were transported to the forefront of the anti-virus hospital.". No way, my mother and I went to the next few drugstores and got the same result.

It seems that the epidemic situation is not as simple as expected. It is fierce. In order to be safe, does Puyang City seal the city and prevent outsiders from coming in? Do all the people in the city stay at home and escape the disaster situation safely?


Winter vacation is coming, we go back home as usual.

At home, there are "crackling" firecrackers and fireworks every day. In the early hours of every morning, the gunfire rang through the sky, and the acrid smoke burst into the sleeping room, which made me sleep all night. The next morning, looking down, the ground of the ancestral hall is really "the red wet place at dawn, the flower is heavy in the city of Jinguan!" I tell you, this is not a flower, but a thick layer of red paper left last night! After a brief complaint, I'm still very happy. Because every day can take the red bag, but also can bake the sweet potato to eat.

Originally, we planned to return to Dongguan on the 7th day of the first month, but the plan did not change quickly. Due to the spread of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus in Hubei Province, we were forced to return to Dongguan on the 2nd day of the first month.

Now, I can't go out to play, eat out, go to the movies All kinds of "can't" have come. When you have to go out, you have to "arm" yourself. But after reading all kinds of news reports, I understand why to do so. Because of pneumonia, Wuhan has been closed, vehicles and personnel are not allowed to enter. And those white angels who are fighting in the front line work day and night, and with their mission, pull one pneumonia patient after another back from the edge of death. Salute the angel in white! Pray to Wuhan! Salute to China!

Dad said, "no game! Game has virus! "

I said: "villagers can't set off firecrackers, fireworks and pollute the environment like competitions!"

I, my father and my mother said together: "and you, pneumonia, go back if you have nothing! Don't harm the people again! "



Dear doctors, uncles and aunts:


First of all, I wish you a happy New Year! Good health, happy family!


I am an ordinary third grade primary school student, although you may not see my letter, but I still want to thank you! Thank you for bringing us a strong sense of happiness in this cold winter.


Novel coronavirus is a little bit unknown to me. Although I know little about the word "death", I seem to have a little understanding of the seriousness of this matter from the look of father and mother. I also know that it is a pneumonia caused by a new coronavirus, because the way of virus infection is mainly through the droplets between people. So our family doesn't even visit during the Spring Festival. We stay at home every day to protect ourselves from causing you trouble. Happiness is the unity of one mind. Everyone has to bear their own social responsibility.


At this critical moment, thank you for running to the "battlefield" first in order to protect our health and safety, playing your super medical skills in the place where the virus is most rampant, facing the virus that ordinary people can't escape, and the God of death snatching the life of patients. I hope you can eliminate the virus force as soon as possible, just as Altman defeats the little monster, huluwa destroys the scorpion and snake spirit, and police chief black cat catches "one ear". Novel coronavirus vaccine, which is running round the clock, is a great help for our health. It will help us recover our life as soon as possible. Happiness is your "retrograde" and strong guard.


You have conquered the virus fortress for our life and health in front of us to ensure that we can spend the Spring Festival safely; we have followed the doctor's advice to celebrate the new year behind you and cooperate with you to win the war without smoke of gunpowder as soon as possible. Happiness is that all the people of the country are united in their hearts and minds and work together to fight against the virus.


On the road of happiness, there are brave warriors like you, the support of our ordinary people, and the strong support of our mother country. In the face of the epidemic campaign and all the challenges in the future, I believe that as long as we are united, we will surely be able to cross the barrier that blocks our happy life and build happiness together.


Finally, I hope my dear doctors, uncles and aunts, when you treat patients and study viruses, you must do a good job of protection, pay attention to rest, eat three meals a day on time, drink more milk and fruit like me, and keep your body healthy! This brings





The Spring Festival is supposed to be a time of family reunion and national celebration, but this year's Spring Festival is a bit heavy for everyone. All these are caused by pneumonia caused by new coronavirus infection which broke out recently in Wuhan and even all over the country!


At present, the situation of epidemic prevention and control is very serious. However, some people (especially the middle-aged and elderly) think that they are in good health, or they won't touch people in Wuhan, so they don't pay attention to the epidemic caused by the virus infection, have no awareness of prevention, love visiting as usual, and don't wear a mask when going out. But the fact tells us that the new coronavirus is not only human to human, but also animal to human. The epidemic situation in Wuhan is caused by "wild game" in a game market, so it is not as simple as not contacting with the foreign population to be sure not to be infected with the new coronavirus.


Friends and relatives, we can let Wuhan close the city; all temple fairs in Beijing are cancelled; all new year's movies are off the shelves; Wuhan has established a hospital in the form of "Xiaotangshan mountain"; the whole country is on alert, and the epidemic situation in 100 cities and empty lanes must be more serious than we think. Data shows that by 13:26 on January 25, 2020, 1336 cases have been confirmed, 1965 suspected, 38 cured and 41 died. In Fujian Province, 10 cases have been confirmed and 4 cases are suspected.


At 9:12 a.m. on January 25, 2020, Liang Wudong, the head of Otolaryngology Department of Hebei integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine hospital, also died in Wuhan Jinyintan hospital due to the infection of new coronavirus pneumonia. How sad that he was 62 years old!


Friends and relatives, even doctors with full arms will be infected with the virus. How can ordinary people like us not protect more?


As the poem of fighting against pneumonia in the Spring Festival Gala says, "keeping yourself free from infection is your greatest contribution to fighting the epidemic. You are safe, 1.4 billion people are safe, and the epidemic will be destroyed! "


Family, friends, let's go out less, wear masks, take good care of our bodies, cheer for Wuhan, cheer for China!



Year after year, day after day, the Spring Festival is coming. But this Spring Festival is unforgettable!


Recently, a new type of coronavirus has emerged in Wuhan, which has spread to the whole country like plague. The infection speed is very fast. Many experts are cracking the virus, and great progress has been made. Now we can only hide at home so as not to be infected with the virus. I think back to the previous Spring Festival, when everyone was bustling, red and fiery, and relatives and friends gathered together for the Spring Festival Gala, but now everyone can only stay at home. Try to go out less, in order to better prevent cross infection of the virus.


A few days later, more and more people were killed by the virus, but fortunately, those doctors who were unknown and devoted to the motherland. Finally, we quickly developed a method to identify the new coronavirus. We hope that they can quickly develop drugs that can cure the disease, so that people can return to work, life and study, and people in foreign countries can return home and gather with their relatives and friends. I want to say to the doctors, "thank you for your hard work!" As a teenager, I try my best to help them when the motherland is in danger. I use my new year's money to buy some masks, goggles, alcohol medical supplies. Donate to hospitals or those in need.


"It's not a day's work." I believe that the people of the whole country will never give up and persist in fighting the disease. I hope that the next spring festival will bring peace and prosperity to the motherland.



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