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2022-12-06 02:41:04



We know very early, she is a very good classmate. She has a round face, the face with a pair of round eyes, a little flat nose, a big mouth. She is my best friend and Yan WenYi Chen Weijun.

Her more advantages and disadvantages are more, I said she first: the advantages of her learning seriously, love reading, home of the book she was almost over, but also helpful.

Her weakness is: jealousy is very strong, she has what others can"t have, such as a Yan WenYi let her to buy a copy of one yuan notebooks, she agreed, then asked: "what cover do you want?" Yan WenYi said: "want to candy house." She is angry of say: "I don"t bought for you." Then she ran. Yan WenYi said to me: "I want to buy, like her, she is jealous." I say to Yan WenYi: "don"t be angry, I help you to buy it." She also has a downside is that greediness, such as when we were playing at a time, I brought some candy from home to eat, she chased me to: "give me, give me a little." I think she is too tired, just give her some helplessly, as long as it is her good friend to take something to eat, she would have stretched out his hand to, scared I couldn"t take sugar.

This is my friend, a sweet tooth - Chen Weijun and helpful friend.







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