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2022-12-21 02:30:50


考研冲刺复习的重要工作之一就是把握重点难点,把精力和时间用到关键点上。作文是冲刺提分项,该怎么复习?下面新东方网考研频道整理了英语二大作文四大重点话题素材,大家必须认真看看。 一、社科类(网络、科技、旅游等) 网恋 cyber romance With the development of internet , cyber romance has gradually become increasingly popular among people . 随着网络的发展,网恋在人们中逐渐流行起来。 网购 online shopping Online shopping has revolutionized the consumer experience . 网购已经使消费者的购物体验发生了革命性的变化。 团购 group buying Not everyone thinks group-buying and shopping online is the best way to save money . 并非所有的人都认为团购和网上购物是省钱的最佳途径。 秒杀 sec-kill 网店 online shop/store To give our customers a greater choice , we keep updating our range of products on our online shop regularly . 网上商店的货品亦会定期更新,为我们的顾客提供新鲜感。 Whether you e working on a portfolio website , online store or Web app , making your pages easy and enjoyable for your visitors to use is key . 无论你是在做一个作品集网站、网上商店还是网络应用,让你的页面对用户来说可以容易和快乐的使用是一个关键。 信誉 credit Credit is the life-blood of the consumer society . 信誉是消费界的生命线。 退款 refund Ask for a refund if the goods are faulty . 商品如有缺陷,可要求退款。 科学技术 science and technology Science and technology have made major changes to the way we live . 科技极大地改变了我们的生活方式。 电脑犯罪 computer crime Sabotage is also an increasingly common type of computer crime . 蓄意破坏也是日益增加的普遍的电脑犯罪。 电子商务 e-commerce The first law of e-commerce is that if users cannot find the product , they cannot buy it either . 电子商务的第一法则是,如果用户不能找到商品,他们就不会购买它。 虚拟生活 virtual life Most players live out virtual life with more than one character , as if they are trying out various facets of their persona . 另外,绝大多数的玩家都会在他们的虚拟生活中扮演多个角色,就好象他们要去尝试其人格中的多种面貌一样。 信息时代 information era Along with the coming of information era , cellphone has become necessary consumer goods . 随着信息时代的到来,手机已成为人们离不开的消费品。 网上冲浪 surf the Internet But keeping in mind that the netbook is primarily used to surf the Internet , those dangers are possibly multiplied many-fold , especially if there is no anti-virus software installed in the machine . 尤其需要提高警惕的是,上网本的主要用途是网上冲浪,因此其遭遇危险的可能性加倍,尤其是如果上网本没有安装反病毒软件的话。 电子书 electronic book The electronic book is a new type of book which is developing rapidly , and its appearance is a challenge to the mode of traditional knowledge propagation and copyright protection . 电子书是近年来快速发展的新型图书形式,它的出现对传统的著作权及其保护方式提出了尖锐的挑战。 网拍麻豆 net model 浏览器购物 monitor shopping 橱窗购物 window shopping Almost every shop is full of special offers and bargains , which can make it hard to just go window shopping . 几乎每家商店都有特价,打折活动,这使得要做到光看不买的去逛商店变得太难了。 网络书评 internet book review His paper takes internet book review as an example to analyse present situation of library and give several suggestions for librarys internet book review . 文章以网络书评服务为例,分析了目前图书馆网络书评工作的现状,提出了加强图书馆网络书评服务工作的几点建议。 网上纠纷 online dispute With the rapid development of electronic commerce , more and more online disputes appear . Because the characteristic of online dispute , network becomes the best choice . 电子商务的飞速发展使得以其为基础的网上纠纷也越来越多,网上纠纷的特殊性使得其通过特殊的方式即网络来解决成为首选。 恶性骚扰 malicious harassment Malicious harassment as the development of the telecommunications industry has become intensified , result in serious harm to society . 恶意短信骚扰随着电信行业的发展变得愈演愈烈,给社会带来严重的危害。 品质保证 quality guarantee Good management of classroom discipline problems is to develop the teaching job premise , harmonious classroom environment is to improve the classroom teaching quality guarantee . 管理好课堂纪律问题是开展教学工作的前提,和谐的课堂环境是提高课堂教学质量的保证。

显示评论内容(3) 收起评论内容
  1. 2023-09-27 12:29蝶谷幽兰[云南省网友]IP:2095814404
  2. 2023-06-26 01:10猫诱。[辽宁省网友]IP:1782102119
  3. 2023-03-24 13:50朔方的雪[四川省网友]IP:830472418


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