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2023-01-28 07:23:02



There are some pandas in the zoo.

They look like a bear,but they are not a bear.

They live in China.

They have a small tail and fat body.They are black and white.

They’re very clumsy,but they can climb trees.

They like to eat bamboo very much.

Look!The baby panda is under the mother panda,they are sleeping.

They look very lovely.Pandas are my favourite animals.


Last weekends,I went to a restaurant Holiday.I had a steak and a vegetables salad.

After meal I had an apple pie and drank a cup of tea.I spent 50yuan on them.

But the tea

tests bad.On the contrary the steak and salad was very good.

I will visit that restaurant again next week.


Pnda is cute . they like to eat bamboo and lie down all day long .

Chinese panda living in the south, they are a bamboo for food, eat slowly, eat 12 hours a day, every day to eat 15 kilograms of bamboo.

Their numbers are fewer and fewer of the panda in the wild only just over 1600, have a small number of people living in the zoo.

They are a lovely precious animals, we should pay more to protect.


Panda is one of the scarcest animals.As the balance of nature was destroyed and the weather was getting warmer and warmer, pandas became less.

But at present, the number of pandas is increasing year by year.

There are now so many pandas that some are being sent to other countries so that people there can enjoy them.


When I first saw Paul, I was thinking that it is just a big and fat panda, and there won"t be any hopes for him to become the "dragon warrior". But when his teacher Shifu discovered that Paul can do anything if he had his food in front of him. Then, the hard training started by Paul. I thought that his goal is very simple, to get food to eat, and his Shifu used that habit and made him the best dragonwarrior. I learned a lesson from Paul which is when he had a goal which is to eat, he will get it no matter whathappens in front of him. That"s the part that I like him the most.



The giant pandas,which are the first level’s animals,in our country, are facing the danger of extinction. As we have known, pandas are chequered with black and white though their body, and they are heavy and slow. They feed on bamboo. They seem so cute that we like them very much. However,the quantity of them is no more than 1600 in the world and 330 in China. Therefore, it is urgent to protect them.

Why are the pandas less and lessThere are many reasons accounting for this. First, with the

development of economic, we have occupied their too much habitat.Second, many lawbreakers hunt them because their value of body. Third, their food is only bamboo and once the bamboo become less and they do, too.

Fortunately, the government has introduced many policies to protect them.For example, people set up nature protection area in Sichuan, Shan-xi and Gansu province where the most pandas mainly inhabitat.Moreover, the country punish those criminals who hunt pandas.

I believe, with the protection of people, pandas will become more and more and live a happy life.


The giant panda, the students should not unfamiliar to this name? Believe that many a student has seen it. Today, I would like to with aflame mood XiHui park to see it. Just enter the zoo, I was attracted by waves of happy laughter.

I walked hearing, I saw a place are three layers in the crowd around a. In order to know, I came to the innermost layer the dickens of a drill. At this moment, I find a look, ah! Originally is the sight of the giant panda qiqi! See it with a pair of watery big eyes, a pair of fluffy black ears, and a black and white fat body, so darling, let a person see the can"t help to touch a hand. And the giant panda, the visitors looked not interested, just casually sitting there eating bamboo, as if to say ": don"t be noisy, don"t make so much noise! Again noisy, I talk to you." Looking at the lovely giant pandas, how I want to feed it ah, can not allow staff. At this moment, I saw a little girl into the enclosure, workers hurriedly carried her out.

Yeah, we all love the giant panda, it came to wuxi and meet you, you should protect it. Finally, I reluctantly left. I love pandas!


Panda is one of the scarcest animals. People in the world like it very much.

There used to be many pandas in China long ago.

As the balance of nature was destroyed and the weather was getting warmer and warmer, pandas became less. But at present, the number of pandas is increasing year by year.

There are now so many pandas that some are being sent to other countries so that people there can enjoy them.

Nowadays, the biggest nature park for panda in China is in Sichuan.

There is a research centre for nature and wild life there.

Scientists hope that one day they will have enough pandas to be set free and let them live in the wild again.


We all know that the giant panda,it"s very cute,but I often read in many people for their own economic interests to kill it,I feel very sad.

The giant panda is our country special product,it is the unique face has become "the WWF" sign.The giant panda is like a bear,but not bear,at about 1.5 meters,weighs 160 kilograms,black and white on the appearance of body hair is their characteristics.The giant panda temperament is gentle,posture and movement are particularly lovely.In all over the world in the zoo,the giant panda is the most popular pet tourists.

The giant panda this animal or representative of the remaining ancient animals,about 100 more than ten thousand years ago,the giant panda will live on the earth,so they have a "living fossil" said.

The giant panda this lovely and rare animals in an increasingly reduce,the world is less than 1000 only add up.Don"t let this lovely and rare animals in the face of the earth?It is up to us to protect lovely and rare animals--the giant panda!



Everyone should know the pandas, but who have seen the Chinese kung fu panda?


The movie "Kung Fu Panda" is the story of a Kung Fu panda. The main character in the film -- the Panda Po, the Chinese Kung Fu is very fond of. His father is a village, a noodle shop owner great fame, his father always wanted Po can inherit this noodle shop ancestors passed down, but Po not reconciled to the face shop owner, he wants to realize his dream -- to the hearts of his learning kung fu, he even dream about practicing kung fu.


God has given each opportunity. One day, Paul heard the village to run for the "Dragon Warrior", selected will be sent to remove residual leopard harm to people, to defend the village. A Bao to watch the game, try to sit a "flying chair" fly in. Surprisingly -- his contest was selected as "the Dragon warrior". Kung Fu Master don"t believe Po can practice good Chinese Kung Fu, get rid of him many times, but Po, perseverance, time and time again to the jade palace begged the master. Hard work pays off, the master was finally A Bao sincerity moved, decided to teach A Bao Kung Fu, but how to teach? Everyone looked at Po awkwardly to chagrin. One day, the master suddenly found Po steal things in the kitchen, the unconscious has done a lot of difficult moves, so a kung fu master will eat methods to guide Po Kung fu. A Bao painstakingly study assiduously, finally learn kung fu, A Bao finally defeated the residual leopard, save the village.


A Bao is not conducive to learn kung fu obstacles in his condition, hold on to your dream, do not bow to difficulties of the spirit, that I really admire! Think about the difficulties and Po himself encountered in learning and life of the far worse than up, I would like to treasure, insist on your dream, do not a man to bow before difficulties.



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