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2023-01-29 06:07:02




My mother is a doctor, she is very beautiful, very gentle. I love her very much.

Her height is not high also not short, long curly hair, neat bang, big eyes double-fold eyelid, twinkle. Nose a little big, cherry small mouth, speak to one, very cute. How her shapely, great body, never sick. Her character lively and outgoing, can with my classmate's mother shao half a day; She was a gourmet, often take me to eat a lot of delicious things.

She is also very industrious, sweep the floor mop the floor every day, cooking laundry, cleaning, have to hurry. I said to her: "mother, give yourself a break! Today is the international working women's day, I send you a small gift." Mother touch my head and said: "good boy, do you really understand, when you grow up, what small gifts?" I took out a hand cream on her mother's hand in the heart, said: "mother, your hands are split, very ache! This can make your hand is very smooth. I wish mom happy holidays!" Mother took the hand cream, his eyes filled with tears, held me in her arms, said "thank you, children, as long as you study hard, have a good life, grow up to become a social good and mother satisfied."

In the future I want to listen to your mother, not a bit angry mother, study hard, strive for the greatest advances, repay mother's love for me.






I have a beautiful and hard-working mother.

Mother's hair is inclined bang, long curly hair, ear lobe greatly, there is a hole! Estimation is wear earrings. Mother fine eyes, small nose, mouth, small and exquisite.

My mother also boast. When mother bought new clothes will say to us: "beautiful?" We occasionally glance at replied "general" she didn't say anything, because she had already familiar.

My mother some bad temper, she very fierce when the mood is bad, remember the last time I ask her: well mom this thesis how to write ah, she is very fierce of say: cannot go as documents by yourself, "I don't know, go away!" I think mother like a "bitch", I was so sad.

Although fierce, but my mother attaches great importance to my study. Me exam, my mother will be hanging from the contented smile on his face, even will reward me, I got bad, mother will carefully explain my wrong topic, until I understand, I suddenly felt very guilty and ashamed.

I said that mom is very industrious beginning? Said I'll give you about my mother how industrious: my mother bear the all the housework every day. My mother want to go to work, she also try to do the housework. My mother do the housework wholeheartedly, not half-hearted.

This is my mom, though a bit rude at ordinary times, but, I know my mother's heart is very love me.


妈妈的发型是斜刘海,长长的卷发,耳垂大大的,还有一个洞呢!估计是戴耳环时弄的。妈妈眉清目秀,不大不小的鼻子 ,嘴巴小巧玲珑。









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