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2023-02-01 02:41:02


自信是火,点亮梦想的火炬;自信是火炬,照亮通往成功的道路;自信是路,指引走向成功的大门。下面就是小编收集的英语作文, 供大家参考!


The power of self-confidence is not to be underestimated, however, confidence is not everyone have, people with low self-esteem will not have it, if we are confident, that is not confident, but arrogance. So, confidence also wants moderate, should not be too.

People with low self-esteem is not successful, because they are afraid of difficulties, fear of the unknown dangers, think you what all can't, no, in fact they are wrong, this is the result of their lack of confidence, things did not difficult, as they think they are not as useless as they want. As long as they look ahead, give yourself a little more encouragement, and say to myself: I can do it! Don't be afraid in front of the unknown is difficult, only go forward, never fear, self-confidence will come to your side.

At any time, all want to learn self-confidence, frankly, smile in the face of all, doing everything to an unyielding, don't give up easily, say to yourself: I can do it! Self-confidence, power is endless, let us smile confidently towards our own success.





There are a lot of people ask me, you are a confident child? I replied without hesitation: certainly is. Is confident give my life to activate, I love my confidence, because he has been with me.

Remember once, my grade three final exams, test out I am very nervous, can always wanted to us, a little confidence all have no, sleep sleep well. After two months, finally sent the test paper. I'm very nervous, I took a look, Chinese 73 points, 67 marks in English, mathematics 75 points. I think: my deskmate so stupid, like a pig, must be unqualified. I looked at the table again, I said: oh, my god, his score is higher than me, Chinese 73 points, 71 marks in English, mathematics 82 points! "I asked the students:" how can you be so high, is what the cram school. Classmate say: "nah, is confidence. Mother said that so long as has the confidence to take an examination of high number I give it a try, indeed as expected a success. "I know this secret. Later got high marks in the mid-term exam grade four. Language 82 points, the British 讠 language 79, math 85. Thank you very much my classmates, I learned self-confidence.

Confidence to our enlightenment is not easily nervous, want to believe in yourself.







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