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2023-02-01 05:52:04



For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes t owrite a short essay entitle My View on Plastic Surgery. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese.

1 越来越多的"人接受整容手术

2 我的看法及理由

3 结论



My View on Plastic Surgery

In recent years, more and more people, especially some young girls choose to take plastic surgeries. Some people argue that this kind of surgery can improve one's appearance, thus secure a good job. Others hold a different opinion, they consider plastic surgery as a waste of money. Personally, I agree with the latter.

Firstly, beauty is only skin-deep, as the saying goes, virtue is more important than appearance. Plastic surgery cannot improve one's character. Who do you think is more popular, an ordinary girl with charming personality, or a beautiful girl with arrogant manner? Secondly, success relies on one's abilities but not appearance. Some people, especially young girls dream to find a good job after taking plastic surgery. For example, it takes one at least 30,000 Yuan to have double eyelid. Fourthly, people have to bear the risks of an unsuccessful surgery which will be a lifelong pain.

All in all, it is not advisable for people to take plastic surgeries. We can get what we want by improving our inner qualities, such as our personality and ability, and there is no need to endure the pains and economic loss of a plastic surgery.




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