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My pen pal英语作文60词

2023-02-04 06:40:06

关于My pen pal英语作文60词精选


My pen pal英语作文一

Since last summer, I have written to my pen pal, Seda, who lives in Turkey. I became acquainted with her when I went to England for a study tour. We stayed with the same family, and she was my roommate and classmate as well. Sometimes we went to the movies together after dinner. Seda is very easy to get along with. I will always remember the two weeks I spent with her. We didn't forget each other and kept writing to each other after we returned home. Although I haven't seen her again since I left England, I still know how she is through letters, cards and photographs. Seda tells me her secrets and also shares her happiness and sadness with me . Both of us hope that we will meet each other somewhere one day. Maybe I'll go to Turkey to visit her, or she'll come to Taiwan to visit me.

My pen pal英语作文二

Hello! My name is Yangguangnvhai. Look at this boy! His name is Jeff Brown. He's 12 years old. He's from the United States. he lives in Laiwu China now. He speaks Chinese and English. He likes chinese history and chinese food. He's favorite subject in school is music. Because he thinks it’s relaxing. He's favorite movie is The Long Weekend.

And you? Who is your pen pal?

My pen pal英语作文三

I have learned English for six years and I have learned it by myself all the time.I want to look for a pen pal,but it's difficult to find a suitable candidate.I think my pen pal should be a pretty, learned, benevolence, helpful girl. She lives in next town, we can communicate by e-mail each other everyday and we can meet once a week. We travel together, we hike together, we talk with each other. This is the pen pal I want to have.

【关于My pen pal英语作文60词精选】



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